Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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All Wisconsin Shape Note Singing

Milwaukee Friends (Quaker) Meetinghouse, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The All Wisconsin Shape Note Singing was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in November. The class was called to order by Scott Stieg leading 49t, following a brief singing school by Carol Crawford. Carol Crawford offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Steven Schmidgall 565; Anne Missavage 171; Carl Houtman 148; Christine Stevens 100; Peter Bradley 228; Jim Helke 86; Eleanor Haase 216; Steve Warner 34b; Ginny Landgraf 481; Stacey Berkheimer 417; Anne Heider 178; Eileen Ferguson 501; Paul Wyatt 569b; Nancy Parsons 142; Jeanette Nelson 472; Jesse Krikorian 179; Shana Wenger 344; Hans Guttmann 37b.


Jim Helke brought the class back together by leading 39t. Leaders: Jim Crawford 47t; Judy Hauff 547; Hannah Lutz 300; Joyce Tang Boyland 120; Scott Stieg 168; Paul Wyatt 542; Carol Crawford 213b; John Boyland 163b; Anne Heider 528; Eleanor Haase 352; Ginny Landgraf 68t; Sarah McRoberts and Shana Wenger 189; Carol Crawford 337; Stacey Berkheimer 73b; Steve Warner 81t; Anne Missavage 66; Jesse Krikorian 333; Peter Bradley 169; Eileen Ferguson 479. Peter Irvine said a blessing for lunch.


Ginny Landgraf called the afternoon session to order by leading 370. Leaders: Shana Wenger 455; John Schley 569t; Lisa Grayson 448t; John Boyland 504; Steven Schmidgall 369; Hans Guttmann 480; Christine Stevens 532; Carl Houtman 209; Jim Crawford 260.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Steven Schmidgall and Shana Wenger. Steven and Shana led 285t in honor and love, for the following sick, shut-ins, and deceased. The names of the sick and shut-ins are as follows: Pastor Sam Butler, Jeff Bell, Donna Gunderson-Rogers, Gary Gronau, Catherine Stebbins, Maria Stebbins, and Mary Sutherland. The names of the deceased are as follows: Juanita Beasley—Alabama; Melanie Hauff—Illinois; Margie Nielsen—Michigan; Becky Browne—Missouri; Lydia Lewallan—North Carolina; Dick Dunagan, Evelyn Kane, Marjorie Mathews, David Reber, and Robert Stevens—Wisconsin. Peter Irvine closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Jeanette Nelson 503; Joyce Tang Boyland 180; Jim Helke 348t; Scott Stieg 49b; Nancy Parsons 112.


Christine and John Stevens recalled the class by leading 275t. Leaders: Carol Crawford 270 (in honor of the veterans); David Lewellen 59; Judy Hauff 146; John Schley 47b; Hannah Lutz 217; Lisa Grayson 411; Shana Wenger 376; Ben Bedroske 299; Ginny Landgraf 456; Anne Heider 163t; Eleanor Haase 384; Jesse Krikorian 162.


Hannah Lutz called the class together for the final session leading 266. Leaders: Stacey Berkheimer 441; Peter Bradley 444; Steve Warner 84; Anne Missavage 268; Paul Wyatt 464; Eileen Ferguson 36b; Jeanette Nelson 348b.

Following thanks and announcements, the class sang 347, and those who wished took the parting hand. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Carol Crawford.

Chairman—Scott Stieg; Secretary—Hannah Lutz