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Tyneside Shape Note Singers Sacred Harp Singing

St Francis Church Hall, Cleveland Gardens High Heaton,
Newcastle, United Kingdom

Saturday, June 3, 2023

The 17th annual session of the Tyneside Shape Note Singers met at St. Francis Church Hall, Cleveland Gardens, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, on Saturday following the last Monday in May. The class was called to order by Conor Murray, who welcomed the class, and then led 46. Ted Brown offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were appointed to serve: Chairman—Conor Murray; Secretary—Lin James; Treasurer—Phil Tyler; Arranging Committee—Lin James and Margaret Bradshaw.

Leaders: Phil Tyler 59; Tim McElwaine 107; Joel Wallenberg 35; Benny Ross, Alex Ford, and Jean Hill 178; Claire Welford 274t; Nigel Anderson 49t; Erin Johnson-Williams 129; Jan Geerts 116; Margaret Bradshaw 105; Anne Altringham 171; Ruth Holman 63; Karen Turner 155; Anna Baldini 276; Sam Carter 179; Ted Brown 119; Phil Tyler 56b.


Cath Tyler led 101t to bring the class together. Leaders: Ed Johnson-Williams 539; Kate Howard 217; Helen Barber 284; Jessica Beer 480; Emily Verrier 200; Tim McElwaine 117; Claire Welford 214; Nigel Anderson 473; Jan Geerts 231; Anne Altringham 556; Ruth Holman 208; Sam Carter 348b; Margaret Bradshaw 266; Anna Baldini 86; Karen Turner 340; Phil Tyler 505; Ted Brown 339.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Joel Wallenberg and Benny Ross.

Joel read the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins: Joy Spreadborough, Sally Dunleavy, Hannah Land, and Winifred Ryan. He led 227.

Benny Ross conducted the memorial lesson based on Psalms 90 and led 285t in memory of Betty James, Ron James, and Mary Needham—Newport South Wales; Ted Mercer—Illinois, USA; Hubert Nall—Alabama, USA; Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina, USA; Cheryl Foreman—Texas, USA; Philip Denny—Georgia, USA; Daniel Oldham—Derby; Jim Brown—Scotland.

Leaders: Helen Brown 475; Mark Wardlaw 391; Kate Howard 497; Jessica Beer 277; Emily Verrier 270; Conor Murray 335. Joel Wallenberg gave thanks for the mid-day meal.


The afternoon session began with Mark Wardlaw leading 123t. Leaders: Erin Johnson-Williams 384; Helen Brown 436; Sam Carter 500; Ted Brown 77t; Kate Howard 532; Jan Geerts 440; Jessica Beer 430; Emily Verrier 133; Anne Altringham 546; Karen Turner 269; Ruth Holman 287; Helen Barber 288; Margaret Bradshaw 300; Nigel Anderson 457; Claire Welford 362; Tim McElwaine 344; Phil Tyler 442; Benny Ross 182; Joel Wallenberg 149; Conor Murray 163b.


Jan Geerts led 36b to bring the class together. Leaders: Jessica Beer 445; Sam Carter 439; Emily Verrier 323t; Kate Howard 31t; Helen Brown 565; Scottish East Coast Singers 472; Scottish West Coast Singers 299. Announcements were made. Lin James as secretary reported that with twenty-three leaders seventy-two songs had been led. Conor Murray as the chairman thanked the pitchers (Claire Welford, Jan Geerts, Erin Johnson-Williams and Joel Wallenberg) and all present for making this a wonderful day of song. He led 347 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Benny Ross.

Chairman—Conor Murray; Secretary—Lin James