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Mid-Michigan Singing

Faith Lutheran Church, Okemos, Michigan

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The annual Mid-Michigan singing was held at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan, on Saturday before the second Sunday in May. Bob Borcherding welcomed the class, and brought it to order by leading 228. Brandon Buxton offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Cecelia Kramer 171; Marian Mitchell 40; Bob Borcherding 176b; Anne Missavage 106; Brandon Buxton 30b; Kathryn Flanagan and Brandon Buxton 285t; Wendy Wahn 546; Samuel Sommers 280; Lindsey Wiggins 216; Barbara Vanderjagt 503; Robert Hammond and Lindsey Wiggins 39t; Ginny Landgraf 542.


Cecelia Kramer called the class back to order leading 49b. Leaders: Martha Beverly 189; Lori Rodgers 454; Mark Clague 27; Cecelia Kramer 71; Marian Mitchell 474; Bob Borcherding 227; Anne Missavage 99; Brandon Buxton 319; Wendy Wahn 480; Kathryn Flanagan and Brandon Buxton 81t; Samuel Sommers 24b; Lindsey Wiggins 385t; Barbara Vanderjagt 384; Robert Hammond and Lindsey Wiggins 462; Ginny Landgraf 463; Martha Beverly 504; Lori Rodgers 139.


Anne Missavage called the class back to order leading 155. Leaders: Mark Clague 417; Cecelia Kramer 311; Marian Mitchell 164; Bob Borcherding 163b; Anne Missavage 203; Brandon Buxton 410b; Samuel Sommers 184; Kathryn Flanagan and Brandon Buxton 89; Lindsey Wiggins 383; Barbara Vanderjagt 168; Robert Hammond and Lindsey Wiggins 45t. Brandon Buxton asked a blessing before the noon meal.


Barbara Vanderjagt called the class back to order leading 63. Leaders: Ginny Landgraf 70b; Martha Beverly 222; Lori Rodgers 47t; Mark Clague 107; Cecelia Kramer 47b; Marian Mitchell 534; Bob Borcherding 536; Anne Missavage 150; Brandon Buxton 378t; Linda Heemskerk 86; Kathryn Flanagan and Brandon Buxton 110; Samuel Sommers 548; Lindsey Wiggins 408; Barbara Vanderjagt 129; Robert Hammond and Lindsey Wiggins 124; Ginny Landgraf 547; Martha Beverly 348t (in honor of Judy Hauff); Lori Rodgers 162.


Marian Mitchell called the class back to order leading 59. Leaders: Mark Clague 87; Brandon Buxton 478 (in memory of his uncle, who passed away last month); Linda Heemskerk 56b; Kathryn Flanagan and Brandon Buxton 38b; Samuel Sommers 54; Lindsey Wiggins 348b; Barbara Vanderjagt 497; Robert Hammond and Lindsey Wiggins 448t; Ginny Landgraf 501 (for Beth Todd and in memory of Ted Mercer); Martha Beverly 377; Mark Clague 313b; Cecelia Kramer 180; Marian Mitchell 287; Bob Borcherding 122; Anne Missavage 192; Su Penn and Ginny Landgraf 142.

Announcements were made, and thanks offered to the people who made the day a success. Bob Borcherding led 347 as the closing song. Brandon Buxton dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Bob Borcherding; Treasurer—Anne Missavage; Secretary—Marian Mitchell