Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Dahlonega Singing

St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, Dahlonega, Georgia

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The class was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Esther Morgan-Ellis leading 46. Grey Smith offered the opening prayer. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition unless otherwise indicated.

Leaders: Esther Morgan-Ellis 30b; Abigail Cannon 146, 178; Neva Garrett 155, 480; Delaney Waters 49t, 457; Helen Bryson 523, 522; Ivy Hauser 48t, 48b; Chris Wilhelm 446, 68t; David Brodeur 421, 384; Andy Ditzler 300, 47b; Shawn Taylor 138b, 318; Jerusha Wheeler 472, 107.


John Plunkett called the class back to order leading 81t. Leaders: John Plunkett 90; David Smead 417, 43; Lisa Bennett 50b, 466; Jim Neal 270, 84; Lily Hammond 63, 38b; Yawen Li 45t, 105; Bill Dupree 426t, 448t; Ruth Purcell 441, 245 (CH); Judy Mincey 468, 486; Esther Morgan-Ellis 283 (in honor of Don Bowen).


Esther Morgan-Ellis called the class back to order leading 179. Leaders: Esther Morgan-Ellis 515; Abigail Cannon 111t, 111b; Neva Garrett 59; Helen Bryson 287, 492; Ivy Hauser 132, 349; David Brodeur 404; Andy Ditzler 234; Shawn Taylor 212, 224; Jerusha Wheeler 86, 148; John Plunkett 160b; David Smead 227, 387; Lisa Bennett 504, 505; Jim Neal 339.

In a business meeting, it was agreed to establish an annual singing at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, to take place on Saturday before the first Sunday in April. The following officers were elected to serve: Chairwoman—Esther Morgan-Ellis; Vice Chairwoman—Abigail Cannon; Arranging Officer—Neva Garrett; Secretary—Lily Hammond.

Lily Hammond called the class back to order leading 436. Leaders: Yawen Li 99, 142; Bill Dupree 195; Ruth Purcell 236; Judy Mincey 501; Stefani Priskos 145b, 411; Helen Bryson 176t; Ivy Hauser 217; David Brodeur 475; Andy Ditzler 34b; Shawn Taylor 32b; Jerusha Wheeler 159; John Plunkett 167; David Smead 455; Lisa Bennett 203; Jim Neal 406; Bill Dupree 120; Ruth Purcell 174; Judy Mincey 549; Stefani Priskos 399b. Announcements were made.

Esther Morgan-Ellis led 347 as the closing song. Simon Miller offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairwoman—Esther Morgan-Ellis; Vice Chairwoman—Abigail Cannon; Secretary—Teagan Boley