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Australian Sacred Harp Convention

Dickson St Space, Sydney, Australia

January 28-29, 2023

Saturday, January 28

After cancelled national conventions in 2021 and 2022, the 6th Australian Sacred Harp Convention was held at the Dickson St Space in Sydney over the weekend following Australia Day. The day began with a singing school led by Angharad Davis, after which Natalie Sims offered the opening prayer.

Morag Logan led 46 to bring the class to order. Leaders: Angharad Davis 30t; Meg Quinlisk 40; Ruby Foster 99; Natalie Sims 323b; Lauren Reader 82t; Caitlin McHugh 127; Shawn Whelan 217; Thomas MacDonald 171; Peter Rayner 324; Morag Logan 122; Angharad Davis 134; Meg Quinlisk 29t; Ruby Foster 145t; Lachlan Warner 47b; Natalie Sims 368; Lauren Reader 472; Caitlin McHugh 313t; Shawn Whelan 481; Thomas MacDonald 195; Peter Rayner 201; Morag Logan 84; Angharad Davis 207.


Thomas MacDonald led 68b to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Ruby Foster 475; Caitlin McHugh 143; Caro Wormell 504; Lachlan Warner 191; Meg Quinlisk 271t; Natalie Sims 182; Shawn Whelan 532; Peter Rayner 89; Angharad Davis 198; Morag Logan 189; Thomas MacDonald 550; Ruby Foster 236; Caitlin McHugh 86; Caro Wormell 401; Lachlan Warner 234; Thomas MacDonald 344.


Natalie Sims led 270 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Shawn Whelan 474; Peter Rayner 183; Angharad Davis 328; Morag Logan 311; Thomas MacDonald 250; Ruby Foster 524; Caitlin McHugh 495; Lauren Reader 460; Meg Quinlisk 430; Natalie Sims 406; Shawn Whelan 274t; Peter Rayner 31t; Angharad Davis 225t; Morag Logan 551; Thomas MacDonald 179; Ruby Foster 129.

Shawn Whelan offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, January 29

The Sunday session of the Australian Sacred Harp Convention met again at the Dickson St Space, Sydney.

Angharad Davis led 30b to bring the class to order. Leaders: Lauren Reader and Edie White 288; Ruby Foster 112; Morag Logan 297; Thomas MacDonald 294; Meg Quinlisk 380; Shawn Whelan 48t; Caitlin McHugh 133; Peter Rayner 66; Natalie Sims 32b; Angharad Davis 50t; Lauren Reader 153; Ruby Foster 478; Morag Logan 107; Thomas MacDonald 280; Meg Quinlisk 426b; Shawn Whelan 228; Caitlin McHugh 523; Peter Rayner 148.


Natalie Sims led 39t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Thomas MacDonald 38b; Peter Rayner 113; Elizabeth Gray 83t; Meg Quinlisk 306; Shawn Whelan 224; Ruby Foster 547; Lauren Reader 187; Caitlin McHugh 81t; Angharad Davis 392; Morag Logan 367.

Natalie Sims conducted the memorial lesson and concluded by leading 284 and 341. Leaders: Thomas MacDonald 384; Peter Rayner 455; Elizabeth Gray 106; Meg Quinlisk 175; Shawn Whelan 155; Ruby Foster 479.


After the break, the group turned to sing from the Shenandoah Harmony throughout the remainder of the afternoon.

Thomas MacDonald led 1b (ShH) to bring the class to order. Leaders: Peter Rayner 170 (ShH); Morag Logan 390 (ShH); Angharad Davis 243 (ShH); Elizabeth Gray 62 (ShH); Caitlin McHugh 260t (ShH); Ruby Foster 408b (ShH); Natalie Sims 338 (ShH); Lauren Reader 78 (ShH); Meg Quinlisk 76t (ShH); Shawn Whelan 264b (ShH); Lachlan Warner 171 (ShH); Thomas MacDonald 404t (ShH).


Peter Rayner led 306 (ShH) to bring the class to order. Leaders: Halcyon Foster 373 (ShH); Morag Logan 209 (ShH); Angharad Davis 96b (ShH); Elizabeth Gray 73 (ShH); Caitlin McHugh 334 (ShH); Ruby Foster 82 (ShH); Natalie Sims 254 (ShH); Lauren Reader 358 (ShH); Meg Quinlisk 156 (ShH); Shawn Whelan 258 (ShH); Thomas MacDonald 200 (ShH); Peter Rayner 326b (ShH); Halcyon Foster 265 (ShH); Morag Logan 76b (ShH).

Lachlan Warner reported as the treasurer that expenses had been met. The secretary reported that fifteen singers attended the convention, and thirteen leaders led one hundred nineteen songs, made up of ninety-one songs from The Sacred Harp and twenty-eight from the Shenandoah Harmony. Announcements were made that the next Australian Sacred Harp Convention will be held over the weekend of the 27-28th of January, 2024. The Chair thanked all those who contributed to the success of the convention. Angharad Davis led 114 (ShH) as the closing song. Natalie Sims led the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Angharad Davis; Secretary—Thomas MacDonald