Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Chafin, Harbinson, and Hollis Memorial

New Prospect Church, Cullman County, Alabama

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The 148th session of the Chafin, Harbinson, and Hollis Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held at New Prospect Church on the third Sunday in July. The class was called to order by Brenda Chafin leading 30t. The opening prayer was offered by Hubert Nall. It was decided to keep the officers as follows: Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Ann Jett. Brenda Chafin served as Chairman since Danny was not present, and Nicholas Thompson was appointed to do arranging.

Leaders: Brenda Chafin 31b; Henry Guthery 101t, 97; Rebekah Gilmore 144, 276; Nicholas Thompson 419, 573; Glenn Keeton 349, 507; Butch White 86, 178; Linda Booth 481, 218; Buell Cob 135, 77b; Tommie Spurlock 430; Ann Jett 498, 546; Pam Kelly 421, 440.


The class was called back to order by Glenn Keeton leading 274t. Leaders: Beth Branscome 569t, 456; Hubert Nall 33b, 40; Ricky Beasley 569b, 285t; Earl Ballinger 439, 389; Loretta Whitman 166, 475; Stanley Smith 328, 399b; Nicholas Thompson 411; Henry Guthery 140; Linda Booth 361; Buell Cobb 303; Brenda Chafin 436, 434 (for Ozella Blackmon); Beth Branscome 142; Glenn Keeton 378b; Butch White 326; Rebekah Gilmore 186; Ricky Beasley 47b; Hubert Nall 489; Pam Kelly 220; Ann Jett 269; Tommie Spurlock 120; Earl Ballinger 171.


The afternoon session began with Nicholas Thompson leading 76b, 192, and 304. Leaders: Rebekah Gilmore 340; Ashley Sellers 143, 45t, 196; Stanley Smith 500, 203; Pam Kelly 176t; Ann Jett and Wanda Capps 146; Tommie Spurlock 99, 565; Beth Branscome 208; Ricky Beasley 335, 30b; Glenn Keeton 163b; Linda Booth 222; Hubert Nall 287; Henry Guthery 549; Butch White 535; Earl Ballinger 162. Announcements were made.

The officers led 517 (WB), and then 225t as the closing song. Butch White dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman Pro-tem—Brenda Chafin; Secretary—Ann Jett