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Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention

Jefferson State College, Birmingham, Alabama

November 25-26, 2017

Saturday, November 25

The 118th session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention met at Jefferson State College on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November. The class was called to order by Rodney Ivey leading 144. The opening prayer was offered by Alvaro Witt Duarte.

Leaders: Judy Caudle 111t; Elene Stovall 186; Linda Thomas 217; Tom George 206; Nicholas Thompson 530; Cheyenne Ivey 371; Cindy Tanner 137; Eugene Forbes 299; Virginia Eldridge 41; Rebecca Over 306; Hubert Nall 313t; Eva Grace Horsley 72b; Louis Hughes 403; Linda Sides 182; Daniel Williams 428; Adrian Eldridge 429; Ann Riley 282; Robert Chambless 317; Sandie Scott 408; Geraldine Sharpton 542; Delone Cobbs 354t.


Rodney Ivey led 145t to bring the class back to order. A business meeting was held at this time and the following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Judy Caudle; Vice Chairman—Tom George; Secretaries—Linda Thomas, Elene Stovall, and Cheyenne Ivey; Chaplain—Alvaro Witt Duarte; Arranging Committee—Cindy Tanner and Sharon DuPriest; Locating Committee—Linda Thomas and David Ivey; Resolutions Committee—Justin Bowen and Beth Anne Clay; Memorial Committee—Samuel Sommers and Richard Ivey; Finance Committee—Alex Forsyth, Nicholas Thompson, and Rodney Ivey. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Alex Forsyth 391; Kelsey Ivey and Everett Ivey 314; James Eldridge 303; Stuart Ivey 528; Jenny Acton 340; Emily Brown 456; Jonathon Smith 302; Canaan Elkins and Kathryn Elkins 277; Eric Conrad 300; David Brodeur 464; Laura Hodges 423; Samuel Williams 378b; Holly Mixon 183; Winfred Kerr 318; Hazel Heinze 347; Christopher Mann 146; Daniel Bearden 80t; Karis Askin 224; Jim Aaron 47b; Karen Rollins 275b; Anna Hinton 383.


The class was brought together by Tom George leading 129. Leaders: David Ivey 272; Larry Brasher 385b; Darrell Swarens 36b; Emily Stutzman 178; Alvaro Witt Duarte 540; Nathan Rees 200; Samuel Sommers 502; Dan McSavage 432; Jack Nelson 461; Jeannette DePoy and Lynn Allen 87; Jacob Acton 457; Ann Jett 43; Richard Ivey 134; Dennis George 225b; Erica Hinton 201; Justin Bowen 165; Shirley Figura 213t; Bea Aaron 426b; Marilyn Burchett 268; Ruth Wampler 490; Stanley Smith 434; Daniel Lee 411; Susan Cherones 349; Andy Ditzler 412; Judy Chambless 161; Matt Hinton 195; Paul Figura 497; Mike Richards 172; Philip Denney and Gayle Denney 440. Alvaro Witt Duarte asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Judy Caudle leading 421. Leaders: Judy Mincey 173; AnnaLiza Cull 155; Gail Doss 566; Katherine Eldridge 89; Jackson Fleder 460; Sasha Hsuczyk 293; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 486; Beth Anne Clay 377; Pam Nunn 283 (for Daphene Causey); Reba Windom 196; Anne Gilliland 143; Richard Mauldin 446; Molly Bagley 162; Michele Cull 273; Robert Walker 350.

Judy Caudle led 323t as the closing song. Alvaro Witt Duarte dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, November 26

The Sunday session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention was called to order by Judy Caudle leading 167. The opening prayer was offered by Alvaro Witt Duarte.

Leaders: Tom George 131b; Elene Stovall 99 (for Don Bowen); Cheyenne Ivey 430; Alvaro Witt Duarte 315; Rodney Ivey 419; Samuel Sommers 506; Richard Ivey 202; Cindy Tanner 530 (for Ottis Sides); David Ivey 48t; Nicholas Thompson 216; Karen Rollins 298; Earl Ballinger 283; Nate Green and Norma Green 540; Buell Cobb 462; Mary Amelia Taylor 313b; Louis Hughes 348b; Shane Wootten 29t; John Plunkett 473; Henry Johnson 338; Katlyn Bailey 178; Ed Thacker 532; Larry Ballinger 528; Sadie Bagley 47b; Ainslie Allen 186; Brandon Acton 168.


Tom George led 80b to bring the class together. Leaders: Justin Bowen and Beth Anne Clay 329; Alex Forsyth 138b; Sharon DuPriest 269; Linda Thomas 81b; Danny Creel 498; Loyd Ivey 68b; Sarah Trumbore 179; Gavin Blakeley 142; Robert Raymond 217; Judy Chambless and Robert Chambless 527 (in memory of Hugh McGraw); Drew McGuire 536; David Jackson 39b; Rene Greene 454; Waylon Blakeley 81t; Allison Whitener 482; Jonathon Smith 95; Shelby Castillo 422; J.C. Rutledge 294; Cassie Allen 159 (by request of Cecil and Tammy Calvert); Chita Blakeley 428; Katherine Eldridge 123b; Anne Gilliland 515; Emily Stutzman 496; Gail Doss 547; Karis Askin 504; James Eldridge 492; Eva Grace Horsley 445.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Richard Ivey and Samuel Sommers. Richard spoke and led 83t for the following sick and shut-ins: Chris Holley, Bill Caldwell, Margie Smith, Ottis Sides, Jewel Wootten, Pat Ditzler, Tommie Spurlock, Charlene Wallace, Velton Chafin, and Daphene Causey.

Samuel Sommers spoke in memory of the deceased and read the following list of names: Edna Ruth Phillips, Caleb Allred, Martha Moody, Gravis Ballinger, Eloise Wootten, Johnnie Chafin, Sherrie Brothers Tanner, and Joycie Wootten—Alabama; Hugh McGraw, George Snyder, Juanita Neal, and Daniel Evans—Georgia; John Bayer, Loraine Bayer, Maxine Cope, and Cora Davis—Ohio; Linda Domholt—California; Colette Miller—Minnesota; Les Sontag—Illinois; Bob Bonnell—Florida; Julie Vea—Wisconsin; Joseph O’Neill—Virginia. Samuel led 285t. Alvaro Witt Duarte closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Nathan Rees 227; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 505; Jacob Acton 388; Holly Mixon 475; Jackson Fleder 153; Kelsey Ivey 57 (for her dad); Philip Denney and Gayle Denney 120; Sasha Hsuczyk 208; Dan McSavage 212; Ruth Wampler 181; Laura Hodges 187; Molly Bagley 448b; David Brodeur 214. Alvaro Witt Duarte asked a blessing before the noon meal.


Judy Caudle led 270 to bring the class together. Leaders: Paul Figura 278t; Jeannette DePoy 328; Anna Hinton 455; Eugene Forbes and Cassie Allen 218; Reba Windom 546; Rebecca Over 486; AnnaLiza Cull 448t; Stanley Smith 121; Pam Nunn and Reba Windom 192; Eric Conrad 209; Darrell Swarens 507; Susan Cherones 300; Marilyn Burchett 438; Adrian Eldridge 183; Judy Mincey 94; Mike Richards 316; Andy Ditzler 304 (for Daphene Causey); Erica Hinton and Matt Hinton 112; Shirley Figura 31t; Richard Mauldin 133; Sandie Scott 472; Virginia Eldridge 386; Michele Cull 405; Winfred Kerr 516; Bea Aaron 568; Hubert Nall 40; Ann Jett 327; Bridgett Hill Kennedy and Meme Ferry 177; Dennis George 466; Jack Nelson 560; Allison Davis 440.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports. The Locating Committee recommended that the convention return to Jefferson State College for the 119th session in 2018.

The Resolutions Committee report was given by Justin Bowen as follows: We, the Resolution Committee for the 118th session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention resolve to thank our God for allowing us to meet and sing His praises another year. We would like to thank Jefferson State College for the use of the facilities, as well as those who helped prepare our meals. We thank the officers of the convention for their work in making the weekend a success. We also thank everyone who contributed their voice, time, and money to support the convention. We are grateful for this community as we travel through this world. We cherish the memories of those who have gone before, and are thankful to have added to those memories this weekend. Finally, Lord willing, we resolve to meet again next year on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November for the 119th session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention.

Linda Thomas reported that expenses were met. Elene Stovall reported that over the two days there were 200 songs led by 204 leaders representing fifteen US states and two countries. All reports were accepted, and the business meeting was closed. Announcements were made.

Judy Caudle and Tom George led 62 as the closing song, and those who wished took the parting hand. Alvaro Witt Duarte offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Judy Caudle; Vice Chairman—Tom George; Secretaries—Elene Stovall, Linda Thomas, and Cheyenne Ivey