Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Sally Coghlan Memorial

International House, Davis, California

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The 2nd Sally Coghlan Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held at International House in Davis, California. Pat Coghlan called the class together leading 52t. Linda Selph offered the opening prayer.

In a business meeting, the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Steve Helwig; Arranging Committee—Karen Willard and Erika Wilson; Secretary—Dan Harper; Treasurer—Matthew Lawson.

David Wright of Seattle, Washington, taught a singing school. He taught some of the rudiments of music for the many new singers in the class. He led the class in singing 230.


Steve Helwig brought the class together leading 144. Leaders: Karen Willard 73b; Dan Harper 84; Matthew Lawson 335; Jeremy Donaldson 266; Mary Ann Ciavonne 106; Leon Godfrey 40; Jeff Begley 385t; Wren Hyde 72b; Clarissa Fetrow 87; Andy Alexis 128 (in honor of Veterans Day); Cornelia Stanton 318; Dave Barber 112; Mary O’Brien 37b; Esteban Veliz 235; Linda Berkemeier 452; Edward Rice 227; David Wright 516; Inder Khalsa 272; Betsy Jeronen 440.

Linda Berkemeier led 143 for the following sick and shut-in singers: Linda Domholt, Melanie Hauff, and Elinore Reede. Linda Berkemeier led 565 in memory of the following deceased: Julie Vea, Gerhart Schwab, Desiree Cooper, Ted Schade, Paul Bishop, and Hugh McGraw. She closed the lesson with a prayer.

Leaders: Bob Schinske 454; Rebecca Edwards 395; David Fetcho 340; Kate Coxon 228; Mark Godfrey 570; Yuka Oiwa 396; Dave Davidson-Methot 299; Gail Aagaard 155; Erika Wilson 560; Lindy Groening 300. Linda Selph offered the prayer for the noon meal.


Steve Helwig brought the class together leading 39t. Leaders: Stu Pettygrove 65; Melissa Stephenson 361; Linda Selph 430; Kate Fine 532; Greg Freed 436; Irene Gilb 347; David Wright 146; Leigh Cooper 358; Bob Schinske 500; Carolyn Deacy 91; Betsy Jeronen 392; Jack Ziegler 569b; Kate Coxon 383; Leah Coffin 367; Karen Willard 464; Joel Chan 445; Cornelia Stanton 480; Susan Fetcho 564; David H. Wright 479; Jeff Begley 397; Rodman Campbell 344; Clarissa Fetrow 114.


Steve Helwig brought the class together leading 462. Leaders: Dave Barber 460; Pat Coghlan 142; Barbara Ruhmann 288; Matthew Lawson 59; Inder Khalsa 131t; Edward Rice 36b; Rebecca Edwards 153; Esteban Veliz 245; Kate Fine 278t; Jeremy Donaldson 110; Linda Selph 475; Irene Gilb 504; Mark Godfrey 456; Leah Coffin 453; Rodman Campbell 542; Gail Aagaard 503; Lindy Groening 148; Leon Godfrey 32t.

The chairman thanked all those who made the singing possible. Pat Coghlan thanked Matthew Lawson for introducing Sacred Harp singing in Davis four years ago, and wished Matthew well as he moves to Europe. The Treasurer reported expenses had been met. The Secretary reported ninety-one singers sang seventy-seven songs led by forty-seven leaders.

Steve Helwig led 62 as the closing song. Linda Selph offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Steve Helwig; Secretary—Dan Harper