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New York City Singing

Middle Collegiate Church, New York, New York

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The New York City All-Day Singing was held at Middle Collegiate Church in New York, New York, on Saturday before the third Sunday in September. Carol Huang called the class to order leading 72b. The opening prayer was offered by Mary Jane Wilkie.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Gwen Gethner; Vice Chairman—Jason Steidl; Treasurer—Gary Ryan; Secretary—Alice Beattie.

Leaders: Gwen Gethner 131b; Jason Steidl 565; Alice Beattie 171; Charles Biada 330b; Nancy Mandel 421; Mary Jane Wilkie 228; Buck Wanner 35; Gedney Barclay 40; Michael Kaye 501; Sam Kleinman 36b; Charlotte Ehrman 365; Andre Kuney 299; Rebecca Rohrer 270; Ian Davis 47b; Katie FitzGerald 111b; Leon Pulsinelle 352; Jaime Piedra 159; Sarah Xu and Eric Xu 475; Eli Petzold 306; Anna Melton 114; Asa Horvitz 29b.


Becky Wright called the class to order by leading 399b. Leaders: Solon Gordon 37b; Rachel Himes 168; Al McCready 412; Liz Patton 441; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 391; Gary Ryan 56b; Doron Henkin 192; Mary Skidmore 76b; Zoë Madonna 534; Jesse Krikorian 298; MB Gowins 283; Ernest Chamberlain 86; Paula Picton 87; Mike Richards 172; Rebecca Blumenthal 25; Scott Luscombe 481.


Doron Henkin called the call to order by leading 53. Leaders: Guy Bankes 297; Emily Hale-Sills 540; Joel Basset 573.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Nancy Britton and Aldo Ceresa, who led 70t in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Patricia Sensor, Mary Metzger, Albert Whittaker, and Mary Ellen Shrock.

Nancy Britton and Aldo Ceresa led 385b in memory of the following deceased: Oliver Kindig-Stokes, Betty Hanf, Lloyd Staebler, and Mary Staebler—Pennsylvania; Ann Henry, Evelyn Lauria, Veronica Ivins, Juanita Chamberlain, Charlotte King, and Roger McCarthy—New York; Ruth Soper—Indiana; Tommy Soper—Florida; Leon J. Pulsinelle, Sr., and Joe Neighmond—New Jersey; Gary Smith—Alabama; B.M. Smith and Earlis McGraw—Georgia; Jean Chryst—Wisconsin; Clifford Dektar—California. Mary Jane Wilkie closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Ellen Lueck 165; John Hughes 339; Angharad Davis 212; Liz Cantrell 186; Becky Wright 433; Ina Shea 145t; Michael Sensor 38b; Carson Evans and Christina Wallin 436; Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 393; Jessica Keyes 157; Elsa Phemayotin 375; Lynne deBenedette 30b. Mary Jane Wilkie offered a prayer before the noon meal.


MB Gowins called the class to order leading 32t. Leaders: Laura Hodges 546; Jennie Brown 527; Evelyn Lamb 396; Jesse C. Polhemus 542; Susan Helf 472; Sasha Hsuczyk 432; Kevin Beirne 392; Christina Wallin 532; Vale Cofer-Shabica 99; Carol Selleck 382; Rachel Hall 397; Dann Pell 121; Tara Mulder 328; Krista Guerrieri 430; Patrick Friesen 302; Jordan Lewis 182; Corinne Ducey 167; Lucas Husted 276; Nancy Mandel 564.


Paula Picton and Molly Dektar called the class to order leading 48t. Leaders: Kevin Griffin Moreno 269; Douglas Fower 411; Aldo Ceresa 550; Merv Horst 496; Emma Rose Brown 101t; Patrick Paglen 142; Evan Druce 117; Elsa Phemayotin and Zoë Madonna 378b; Joel Bassett 127; Emily Hale-Sills 384; Scott Luscombe 569b; Mike Richards 511; Anna Melton 290; Kevin Beirne and Susan Helf 208.

Following announcements, Gwen Gethner, Jason Steidl, Alice Beattie, and Gary Ryan led 62 as the closing song, and the class took the parting hand. Mary Jane Wilkie dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Gwen Gethner; Vice Chairman—Jason Steidl; Secretary—Alice Beattie