Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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James River Convention

Historic St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The 24th annual James River Convention was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in November in the parish hall of St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia. The class was welcomed by Bridget Camden leading 77t. The opening prayer was offered by Brenda Dunlap.

A business session was held, and the following officers were elected or appointed: Chairman—Emily Owens; Vice Chairman—John Daniel delRe; Treasurer—Bridget Camden; Secretaries—Mary Wright and Adrienne Robertson; Arranging Committee—John Daniel delRe, Ben Griffin, and Kate Conn.

Leaders: Emily Owens 31b; Adrienne Robertson 335; John delRe 191; Mary Wright 35; Claire Steiner 448t; Les Updike 72b; Chris Wolf 349; Pat Temple 373; Mark Mumford 29b; Ateven Snderson 142; Richard Green 163t; Brenda Dunlap 204; Susan Green 171; Rick Motylinski 99; Kathy Kaiser 384; John Alexander 56b; John Feddersen 280; Jim Strube 348t; Leslie Booher 475; Tristan Cleveland 282.


The class resumed singing with Matt Ference leading 300. Leaders: Matt Roberts 542; Derek Lane 31t; Lydia Lewallen 378b; Clare Chapin 195; Lynda Hambourger 317; Julia Seidenstein 318; Mary Helen Dupree 154; Kathy Manning 192; Carol Selleck 400; Joshua Barnett 214; Denver Walker 547.

The memorial lesson was directed by John Alexander and Diane Ober, who led 33b for the following sick and shut-ins: Ed Nathan, Evelyne Soffe, Rosalie Duncan, Frank Dunca, and Claire Selleck Skongor.

After leading 449, the following deceased were remembered: Ginger Mac, Bill Bridge, Wayne Taylor, and Charles Ober—Virginia; Don Rhodes and Don Ward—North Carolina; Robert DuPree—Alabama; Rebecca Green—Georgia; Elder Berwin Hand—New Mexico; Oliver Kindig-Stokes—Pennsylvania.

The class resumed singing with Mary DeNys leading 285t. Leaders: Zachary Bullock 73t; Matt Ference 410t; Kelly Macklin 368; Kathy Kaiser 504; Richard Green 47b; Ateven Snderson 176t; John delRe 500; Brenda Dunlap 37b. Brenda Dunlap returned thanks for the noon meal.


All songs in the afternoon session were from the Shenandoah Harmony. The class resumed singing with Kate Conn leading 57b (ShH). Leaders: Diane Ober 241t (ShH); Jim Strube 247 (ShH); John Alexander 411 (ShH); Susan Green 226 (ShH); Ben Shirley 264b (ShH); Carol Selleck 96b (ShH); Matt Roberts 78 (ShH); Les Updike 296 (ShH); Leslie Booher 200 (ShH); Claire Steiner 60b (ShH); Rick Motylinski 5t (ShH); Pat Temple 27 (ShH); John Feddersen 100 (ShH); Adrienne Robertson 429 (ShH); Bridget Camden 112 (ShH); Derek Lane 389 (ShH); Mary Wright 158b (ShH); Sandra Hack Polaski 227 (ShH); Kelly Macklin 80 (ShH); Martha Burns 65t (ShH).


The class resumed singing with Richard Green leading 141b (ShH). Leaders: Clare Chapin 221b (ShH); Brenda Dunlap 198 (ShH); Lydia Lewallen 180 (ShH); Chris Wolf 363b (ShH); Mary DeNys 1t (ShH); John delRe 56 (ShH); Tristan Cleveland 403b (ShH); Zachary Bullock 260b (ShH); Mary Helen Dupree 43t (ShH); Joshua Barnett 184 (ShH); Denver Walker 137 (ShH); Kathy Manning 364b (ShH); Lynda Hambourger 254 (ShH); Matt Ference 242 (ShH); Julia Seidenstein 53 (ShH); Diane Ober 11 (ShH); John delRe 332 (ShH); Carol Selleck 128 (ShH); John Alexander 1b (ShH); Leslie Booher 13t (ShH).

Emily Owens thanked all who had a part in putting on the convention, and all those who participated. The James River Convention will meet next year on Saturday before the second Sunday in November (November 12, 2016).

Emily Owens led 2 (ShH) as the closing song. A prayer of dismissal was offered by Brenda Dunlap, which concluded the convention.

Chairman—Emily Owens; Vice Chairman—John Daniel delRe; Secretaries—Mary Wright and Adrienne Robertson