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New York State Regional Singing

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Ithaca, New York

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The first New York State Regional Singing of 2015 was held on the last Saturday in February at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ithaca, New York. The class was called to order by Ginny Huszagh leading 34b. The morning prayer was offered by Bob Wheeler.

The following officers were appointed: Chairman—Ginny Huszagh; Vice Chairman and Arranging Officer—Eric Bean; Secretary—Tarik Wareh; Treasurer—Jennifer Cook.

Leaders: Eric Bean 31t; Dennis Leipold 47t; Candis Bailey 39t; Faiz Wareh 35; Ginny Huszagh 99; Cora Wareh 163b; Tarik Wareh 111b; Bob Wheeler 171; Melody Johnson 86; Joanna Wheeler 68b; Sarah Underhill 155; Laurie Dempsey 268; Mary Skidmore 29t; Thom Metzger 277; Rebeka Radna-Crasta 142; Gracie Schell 282; Eric Bean 270; Dennis Leipold 192; Candis Bailey 106; Faiz Wareh 313t; Ginny Huszagh 180; Cora Wareh 313b; Tarik Wareh 295; Bob Wheeler 40; Melody Johnson 218; Barbara Swetman 230.


The class was called together by Ginny Huszagh leading 52t. Leaders: Joanna Wheeler 148; Sarah Underhill 38b; Laurie Dempsey 312b; Mary Skidmore 448t; Thom Metzger 522; Rebeka Radna-Crasta 47b; Gracie Schell led 107 (in honor of Ron Bornick); Eric Bean 324; Dennis Leipold 105; Candis Bailey 217; Faiz Wareh 187; Ginny Huszagh 228; Bob Wheeler 350; Cuba Ray 178; Cora Wareh 535; Tarik Wareh 306; Ben Bath 222; Melody Johnson 38t; Barbara Swetman 200; Joanna Wheeler 504; Sarah Underhill 56b; Laurie Dempsey 503; Mary Skidmore 432. Thom Metzger offered prayer before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Thom Metzger leading 112. Leaders: Candis Bailey 475; Ginny Huszagh 133; Bob Wheeler 36b; Ben Bath 42; Thom Metzger 423; Cuba Ray 569b; Eric Bean 285t; Tarik Wareh, Faiz Wareh, and Cora Wareh 566; Barbara Swetman 129; Melody Johnson 315; Joanna Wheeler 183; Mary Skidmore 567; Laurie Dempsey 276; Rebeka Radna-Crasta 122; Sarah Underhill 33b; Gracie Schell 159; Candis Bailey 294; Lucy Roberts 48b; Ginny Huszagh 65; Bob Wheeler 515; Ben Bath 186; Faiz Wareh 220; Thom Metzger 399t; Cuba Ray 63; Cora Wareh 431 (in memory of her great-grandmother, Nelle Norman); Barbara Swetman 474; Tarik Wareh 27; Melody Johnson 340. Announcements were made.


Eric Bean called the class back to order leading 46. Leaders: Rebeka Radna-Crasta 49b; Sarah Underhill 73t; Ben Bath 384; Candis Bailey 203; Bob Wheeler 198; Ginny Huszagh 209; Eric Bean 335; Thom Metzger 319; Cuba Ray 147t; Barbara Swetman 454 (for Ron Bornick); Tarik Wareh 549; Melody Johnson 344.

Ginny Huszagh led 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Bob Wheeler.

Chairman—Ginny Huszagh; Vice Chairman—Eric Bean; Secretary—Tarik Wareh