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Cape Meares Singing

Community Schoolhouse, Cape Meares, Oregon

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The 5th annual Cape Meares Singing was called to order by Betsy Jeronen leading 448b. The opening prayer was offered by Jessica Beer.

A business meeting was held, and the class elected the following officers: Chairperson—Betsy Jeronen; Treasurers—Nell Whitman and Dan Thoma; Secretary—Anna Stoerch.

Leaders: Steve Cackley 138b; Kate Fine 77b; Steve Helwig 487; Lindy Groening 230; Thom Fahrbach 182; Anna Stoerch 101t; Kate Coxon 393; David Wright 275b; Mary McDonald Lewis 503; Erik Schwab 95; Ana Tighe 99; John Berendzen 406; Kate Fortin 332; Kevin Barrans 209.


The class was called back to order by Kathy Vlach leading 32t. Leaders: Caleb Hardy 344; Cornelia Stanton 480; Jessica Beer 81t; Bradley Knoke 121; Linda Berkemeier 148; Clarissa Fetrow 560; Bob Schinske 550 (for Mark Miller’s twins, Annabel and Benjamin); John Wiens 454; Dan Thoma 455; Steve Tarr 500; Eric Holt 220; Betsy Jeronen 475; Kathy Vlach 143; Dorothy Robinson 269; Rachel Hardy and Caleb Hardy 34t; Marie Brandis 142; Lindy Groening 562; Kate Coxon 129; Mary McDonald Lewis 171; Caleb Hardy 180; Erik Schwab 466.


The class was called back to order by Cornelia Stanton leading 274t. Leaders: Kevin Barrans 492; Thom Fahrbach 216; Steve Cackley 145t; Jessica Beer 105; Alex Beeken 324; Steve Helwig 313b; Kate Fortin 460; John Wiens 146; Clarissa Fetrow 63; David Wright 429; Anna Stoerch 327; Ana Tighe 481; Steve Tarr 474; Linda Berkemeier 114; Kate Fine 112. Jessica Beer offered a blessing for the noon meal.


The class was called back to order by Clarissa Fetrow leading 89. Leaders: Bob Schinske 388; Dan Thoma 35; Bradley Knoke 340; Alex Beeken 273; Cornelia Stanton 87; Kathy Vlach 280; Eric Holt 228; Lindy Groening 447; Kevin Barrans 426t; Ana Tighe 328; Thom Fahrbach 120; Kate Coxon 166; Karl Oswald 569b; David Wright 377; John Wiens 162; Kate Fortin 198; Erik Schwab 546; Mary McDonald Lewis 236; Steve Helwig 528; John Berendzen 383; Anna Stoerch 222; Clarissa Fetrow 440; Steve Cackley 41; Caleb Hardy 497; Dorothy Robinson 91; Steve Tarr 218; Karl Oswald 350; Betsy Jeronen 302.


The class was called back to order by Steve Tarr leading 77t.

The business meeting was re-opened to hear committee reports. The treasurer announced that all expenses had been met. The Registration Committee reported forty-eight registered attendees. The Resolutions Committee, Lindy Groening, thanked the committees and individuals whose hard work made this a wonderful day of singing and friendship.

Leaders: Bradley Knoke 315; Dan Thoma 49b; Cornelia Stanton 565; Bob Schinske 74t; Alex Beeken 135; Kevin Barrans 123t; Lindy Groening 499; Thom Fahrbach 203; John Wiens 547; Kate Coxon 410t; Erik Schwab 543; Steve Helwig 29b; Kate Fortin 326.

Jen Rymut led 36b as the closing song. Jessica Beer offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Betsy Jeronen; Secretary—Anna Stoerch