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Chicago Anniversary Singing

Kilbourn Park Fieldhouse, Chicago, Illinois

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The 30th session of the Chicago Anniversary Singing was held at the Kilbourn Park Fieldhouse, Chicago, Illinois, on the second Sunday in January. Susan Matthews, outgoing chairman, called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. and led 34b. Wendy Wahn offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Anne Heider and Steve Warner 171; Eileen Ferguson 84; Orwin Youngquist 38t; Paul VanKaughnett 77t; Anna Gustafson 369; David Barford 128; Debra Barford 378b.

Susan Matthews called for a motion to open the business meeting. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairpersons—Anne Heider and Steve Warner; Vice Chairpersons—Ann Sleeva and Lisa Grayson; Memorial Committee—Martha Beverly and Jeff Breting; Finance Committee—Randy Neufeld; Arranging Committee—Marcia Johnson, Ted Mercer, Susan Matthews, and Anita Shaperd; Chaplain—Wendy Wahn; Secretary—Eileen Ferguson.

Leaders: Michael Mosley 126; Susan Geil 52t; Carol Ann Munro 183; Jim Swanson 546; Bess Fitzgerald 411; Jim Helke 124; AnnaLeigh Smith 99; Mark Dawson 236; Rachel Rudy 436; Grace Scrimgeour 216; John Seaton 47t; Michael Appert 318.


Lisa Grayson called the class to order leading 178. Leaders: Peter Bradley 538; Marian Mitchell 300; Melanie Hauff 421; Rochelle Lodder 31t; Julie Vea 280; Doug Stapleton 137; Jan Ketelle 212; Melissa Kelley 328; Nick Pasqual 116; Anne Missavage 66; Terry Cunningham 148; Thomas Ward 89; Jim Crawford 569t; James Page 505; Wendy Wahn 270; Holly Hauck 27.


Ann Sleeva brought the class back together by leading 49t. Leaders: Ryan Wheeler 480; Robert Raymond 168; Patrina Patti 217; Amanda Jokerst 448t.

Jeff Breting spoke on behalf of the sick and shut-ins and read the names of the following: Kathy Thompson, Benn Scorgie, C.T. Williams, Johanna Fabke, Stanley Smith, and Berkley Moore. He led 340 in their honor.

Martha Beverly gave the memorial lesson, and read the names of the following deceased: Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Myrtle Ann Beasley, Willard Wright, Bud Oliver, Josie Hyde, Bufrey Dean, Lessie Reed, Lou Cotney, Genny Whitworth, and Tat Bailey—Alabama; Carlene Griffin, Nancy Yeager, Violet Thomason, and Teenie Moody—Georgia; Kelly Day—Indiana; Clayton Ezell—Tennessee; Eva Padgett—Florida; Jim Hearne—Missouri; Diane Mennella and David Brewster—New York; Carroll Lunsford and James Marcus Hoove—California; Hugh Bill McGuire and Mr. Lewis—Mississippi; Molly Kurz, Mary Ann Rebecca Jeys Wood, Phil Carlson, Emilia Sherman, Patrick Maslanka, and Jeannne Plesha—Illinois; Carl Huyser, Eda Lou Keele, and Margaret Helke—Wisconsin; Jerry Jeys—Iowa; Jack Martin—Michigan; Paul Bursoa—Minnesota. She 565 in their memory.

Leaders: Jonathon Smith 444; Dan Nickel 56b. Wendy Wahn offered grace before the noon meal.


Ann Heider brought the class back to order leading 36b. Leaders: Cecelia Kramer 464; Ann Sleeva and Judy Hauff 163t; Buell Cobb 52t; Samuel Sommers 534; Eamonn O’Neill 500; Noelle Copeland 528; Marcia Johnson 485; Bill Waddington 474; Aldo Ceresa 475; Judy Hauff 536; Jim Pfau 228; Kathy Krug 142; Will Fitzgerald 102; Rachel Adelstein 391; Ted Johnson 542; Martha Beverly 466; John Seaton and Janelle Davis 37t.

Ted Mercer and Marcia Johnson called Judy Hauff to the center for the founders’ lesson. Ted Johnson, Wendy Wahn, and Terry Cunningham joined her in the center of the square. Marcia led 278b.


Steve Warner brought the class back together by leading 40. Leaders: Denise Kania 384; Elise DelMas 532; Randy Neufeld 29t; Alexa Copeland 352; Jo Dell Albi 457; Molly Whedbee 48t; Carol Crawford 501; Ted Mercer 547; Buell Cobb 83t; Eamonn O’Neill 224; Jeff Breting 39t; Lisa Grayson 222; Bill Worthington 46; Amanda Jokerst 146; Rachel Rudi and Robert Raymond 290; Jonathon Smith 410b; Thomas Ward 30t; Aldo Ceresa 132.

The finance committee announced that we almost met our financial needs.

Steve Warner led 347 as the closing song. Wendy Wahn dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairpersons—Anne Heider and Steve Warner; Vice Chairpersons—Ann Sleeva and Lisa Grayson; Secretary—Eileen Ferguson