Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Shady Grove Annual Singing

Shady Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Winston County, Alabama

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Shady Grove Annual Singing was held on the first Sunday in January. Kermit Adams called the class to order leading 39b. The morning prayer was offered by Earl Ballinger.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Kermit Adams; Vice Chairman—Don Keeton; Arranging Officer—Margaret Keeton; Secretary—Roma Rice.

Leaders: Kermit Adams 37b; Roma Rice 97, 63; Don Keeton and Shirley Tidwell 100, 480; Wanda Capps 36b, 168; Betty Baccus and Betty Horton 72b, 571 (CB); Earnestine Parker 74b, 129; Linda Sides 225t, 76b; Gravis Ballinger 120, 222; Ken Tate 145t, 144; Emily Creel 166, 348b; Theresa Westmoreland 127, 146; Dylan Feezell 145b, 331.


Don Keeton called the class back to order by leading 335. Leaders: Anne Steel 209, 171; Glenn Keeton 475 (for Lena Keeton), 285t (in memory of all of the people that have passed away in the last few weeks), 231; Lisa Geist 540, 391; Earl Ballinger 530, 439; Larry Ballinger 528, 472; Richard Mauldin 123t, 274t; Wayne Horton 490, 294; Warren Steel 131t, 442.


Don Keeton led 319 to call the class back to order. Leaders: Faye Donaldson 430, 270; Velton Chafin 177; Steve Adams and Emily Creel 378t, 101t; Ken Tate 499b (in memory of Gladys Bonds and G.E. Hannah); Richard Mauldin 341; Linda Sides 215; Emily Creel 216; Earl Ballinger 217; Theresa Westmoreland 192; Lisa Geist 224; Anne Steel 179; Warren Steel 134; Warren Steel and Faye Donaldson 284; Larry Ballinger 482 (in memory of Ora Lee Fannin); Wayne Horton 388; Betty Baccus and Betty Horton 349 (for Bernice Wakefield); Glenn Keeton 507 (for Josie Hyde); Dylan Feezell 436; Don Keeton 384; Roma Rice 68b (for Dawson and Edith Adams and Johnnie Chafin); Theresa Westmoreland and Warren Steel “Anthem to the Shepherd”.

Kermit Adams led 426b as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Glenn Keeton, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Kermit Adams; Vice Chairman—Don Keeton; Secretary—Roma Rice