Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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New York State Regional Singing

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Ithaca, New York

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The class was called to order by Ginny Huszagh leading 34b. The opening prayer was offered by Robert Wheeler.

A singing school was conducted by Eric Bean, and new singers were welcomed.

Leaders: Eric Bean 63; Robert Wheeler 171; Cora Wareh 40; Barbara Swetman 312b; Lucy Roberts 82t; Margaret Bornick 497; Melody Johnson 335; Laurel Dempsey 39t; Ron Bornick 84; Ginny Huszagh 436; Faiz Wareh 268; Candis Bailey 148; Denise Morris 161; Tarik Wareh 29t; Mary Skidmore 105; Eric Bean 163b; Bob Wheeler 142; Barbara Swetman 64; Lucy Roberts 486; Margaret Bornick 147t.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ginny Huszagh; Secretary—Melody Johnson.


Melody Johnson called the class back together leading 475. Leaders: Denise Morris 454; Laurel Dempsey 503; Lucy Roberts 178; Ron Bornick 334; Ginny Huszagh 31t; Candis Bailey 107; Tarik Wareh 46; Mary Skidmore 299; Eric Bean 282; Barbara Swetman 128; Robert Wheeler 36b; Margaret Bornick 455; Melody Johnson 315; Denise Morris 203; Ron Bornick 480; Laurel Dempsey 146.


Eric Bean led 48t to call the afternoon session to order. Leaders: Candis Bailey 28t; Faiz Wareh 230; Ginny Huszagh 86; Tarik Wareh 410t; Mary Skidmore 99; Lucy Roberts 474; Eric Bean 122; Barbara Swetman 546; Robert Wheeler 515; Margaret Bornick 68b; Melody Johnson 172; Ron Bornick 186; Laurel Dempsey 143; Tarik Wareh 328; Candis Bailey 551; Ginny Huszagh 276; Mary Skidmore 159; Lucy Roberts 47t; Ginny Huszagh 181.


The class was brought back to order by Barbara Swetman leading 87. Leaders: Tina Vanderbosch 377; Robert Wheeler 183; Claudia Shoshan 569b; Margaret Bornick 228; Laurel Dempsey 523; Tarik Wareh 71; Candis Bailey 56b; Ron Bornick 313b; Ginny Huszagh 85; Ernest Blake 49b; Mary Skidmore 155; Lucy Roberts 448b; Barbara Swetman 111b; Tina Vanderbosch 47b; Eric Bean 324; Robert Wheeler 350; Margaret Bornick 504; Tarik Wareh 344; Candis Bailey 106; Ron Bornick 479; Ernest Blake 481; Ginny Huszagh 66; Mary Skidmore 168; Lucy Roberts 101t; Barbara Swetman 127; Tina Vanderbosch 472; Robert Wheeler 147b; Margaret Bornick 117; Tarik Wareh 294; Candis Bailey 542; Eric Bean 47t; Ron Bornick and Barbara Swetman 457.

Ginny Huszagh led 62 as the closing song. Robert Wheeler offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed, with thanks to all who helped.

Chairman—Ginny Huszagh; Secretary—Melody Johnson