Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Alabama Collegiate Singing

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The 14th annual session of the Alabama Collegiate Sacred Harp Singing was held at the Wesley Foundation Methodist Student Center on the campus of the University of Alabama on Saturday before the third Sunday in February. Tim Cook welcomed the class and led 32t. The morning prayer was offered by Ed Thacker.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Tim Cook; Vice Chairman—Ed Thacker; Secretary—Judy Caudle.

Leaders: Tim Cook 350; Ed Thacker 441, 532; Judy Caudle 121, 101t; Danny Creel 503, 34t; Larry Ballinger 50b, 278t; Angela Myers 314, 108b; Gravis Ballinger 34b, 89; Henry Guthery 527, 517; Margaret Keeton 171, 217; Lomax Ballinger 67, 277; Bea Carnathan 64, 341; Wayne Baines 340, 155; Jim Aaron 47b, 68b.


Tim Cook led 99 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Elene Stovall and Gresham Davis 76b; Elene Stovall 172; Elene Stovall and Toney Smith 316; Eugene Forbes 495, 482; Kermit Adams 36b, 489; Nate Green and Norma Green 418 (for Bud Oliver), 145b; Tim Taylor 131t, 31t; Wendell Rinehart 457, 445; Ola Meadows 53, 426t; Margaret Thacker 39b, 565; Allison Davis 146, 436.

Tim Cook conducted the memorial lesson. He led 100 in memory of the following deceased: Lonnie Rogers-Georgia; John Merritt-Mississippi; Travis Keeton, Clarence McCool, Cecil Sanders, and Kathleen Taylor-Alabama.

Tim Cook spoke and led 403 in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Carolyn Thompson, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, S.T. Reed, Lessie Reed, Coy Ivey, Juliette Haynes, Harrison Creel, Johnnie Chafin; Betty Wright, Willard Wright, and Ernie Jett. Wendell Rinehart offered prayer to close the memorial service.

Leaders: Steve Adams 309, 378t; Sarah Beasley 159, 288. Danny Creel offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Tim Cook leading 448t. Leaders: Seth Holloway 348 (t? b?), 475; Bill Stewart 569b, 452; Robert DuPree 84, 40; Mako Cook 515, 347; Marlece Ray 186, 426b; Louise Crunk and Tim Cook 358, 348b; Tim Cook 200 (by request); Tim Cook and Ed Thacker 389 (in memory of Lonnie Rogers); Judy Caudle 551 (for Johnie Ballinger); Angela Myers 480 (for Ola Meadows); Henry Guthery 549; Tim Taylor 189 (for Martha); Wayne Baines 283; Tim Cook 507 (for Josie Hyde).

Tim Cook led 323t as the closing song. Henry Guthery offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Tim Cook; Vice Chairman—Ed Thacker; Secretary—Judy Caudle