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Wootten Family New Year’s Eve Singing

Antioch Baptist Church, Ider, Alabama

December 31, 2011-January 1, 2012

The 50th session of the Wootten Family New Year’s Eve Singing was called to order by Jared Wootten and Jamey Wootten leading 82t. Jared Wootten welcomed everyone and led 45t. The opening prayer was offered by Terry Wootten.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-chairmen—Jared Wootten and Jamey Wootten; Secretary—Judy Caudle.

Leaders: Jared Wootten and Jamey Wootten 31t; Chris Holley 68b; Bridgett Kennedy 186; Darrell Swarens 208; Linda Thomas 217; B.M. Smith 389 (for Lonnie Rogers); Duane Chesney 155; David Carlton 48t; Boyd Scott 358; Judy Caudle 48b; Ed Thacker 532; Laura Densmore 313t; Andrew Farris 120; Russ Pope 117; Keith Willard and Jenny Willard 137 (for all service men and women); Daryl Chesney 503; Roger Crabtree 448t; Vella Dailey 452; Jerry Creason and Anne Sibole 47t; David Hufstetler 47b.


The class was brought back to order by Jamey Wootten leading 56t. Leaders: Aaron Little 515; Jackson Harcrow and Jeffrey Wootten 270, 460; Andrew Mashchak 373; Loyd Ivey 426b; Charles Stiefel 445; Kennedy Wootten 101t; Louis Hughes 496; Jeff Breting 146; Cheyenne Ivey and Serenity Manning 76b, 178; Hayden Wootten and Cole Wootten 138t; Jeanette Dollar 290; Nate Green and Norma Green 418 (for Bud Oliver); Ann Mashchak 569b; Sarah Vaughn and Aaron Wootten 59, 39t; Hobert Ivey 480; Sharon DuPriest 300; Donna Wootten 81t; Susan Cherones 40; Claudene Townson 176b; Terry Wootten and Karlie Mann 345b; Jimmy Haynes and Levon Wootten 49b; Elene Stovall 30b. The blessing before the evening meal was offered by Bro. Shankles.


Jared Wootten led 108t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Jenny Mann “Sweet Beulah Land”; Rodney Ivey 492; David Sailors and family 330t, 215; Reba Windom 542; Dewayne Wootten 441; Marty Wootten 472; Eloise Wootten 456; Verlon Stiefel and Mary Ruth Stiefel 376; Shane Wootten 176t; Syble Adams 572 (CB); Roger Crabtree and Rueben Beery 282, 143; Kathe Pilobosian 112; Judy Caudle 500; Laura Densmore 201; B.M. Smith 475; Reba Windom, Syble Adams, and Eloise Wootten 196 (in memory of Uncle Mac); Jenny Willard 318; Rodney Ivey 465 (CB); Louis Hughes 314; Jeffrey Wootten 306; Darrell Swarens and Bridgett Kennedy 198; Ed Thacker and Margaret Thacker 400 (for Margaret’s mother); Terry Wootten 348b, 551, “Star of Bethlehem”, 340, “Pass Me Not”.

The closing prayer was offered by Shane Wootten, and the class was dismissed.

Co-chairmen—Jared Wootten and Jamey Wootten; Secretary—Judy Caudle