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Pioneer Valley All-Day Singing

First Congregational Church Chapel, Sunderland, Massachusetts

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The 11th session of the Pioneer Valley All-Day Singing was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Kelsey Wessels leading 47t. The morning prayer was offered by Jenna Strizak.

Leaders: Sheldon Finlay 32t; Mathew Leger-Small 39t; Linda Shea 230; Jeremy Galvagni 112; Anna Maria Irvine 460; Kate Richardson 426t; Katie Kagay 330t; Charles Taylor 159; Christine Andrews 33b; Andrew Magee 56b; Sally Langendorf 106; Terry Ryan 29t; Diane Mennella 217; Lydia Vernon-Jones 180; Mary Skidmore 503; Chuck Micciche 178; Ines Lüttgen 151; Briana Bean Hirsch 37b; Martha Rogers 105; Ron Bornick 454; Nicola Collett 245.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Kelsey Wessels; Vice Chairman—Sheldon Finlay; Secretary—Matthew Leger-Small.


Jenna Strizak called the class to order leading 81t. Leaders: Paula Picton 129; Chris Holley 77t; Kelly Taylor 215; Rich Lee 466; Caitlyn Caulfield 500; Jean Seiler 168; Tim Eriksen 27; Rachel Speer 126; Mary Andrews 542; Brian Collett 474; Matthew Wojcik 59; Katie Mahoney 82t; Dan Hertzler 337; Barbara Swetman 353; Margaret Bornick 352; Dean Jens 391; Peter Golden 466.


Katharine Manny called the class to order leading 371. Leaders: Rebecca Edwards 336; Lyssa Steponaitis 504; Laura Timmerman 171; Andy Jonathan 30b; Bill Dunn 300.

Anna Maria Irvine read a meditation for the following sick and home-bound: John Merritt, Georg Luck, Seamus Hong, Pearl Klappert-Kaye, Anne Flarety, Claudia White-Ryan, Irene Trembly, David Mann, Alice Blanchard, Allison Steel, Oliver Odwasny-Beebe, Paris Stamos, and Cassie Smith. She led 70t in contemplation of them.

Kshama Ananthapura conducted a memorial lesson in remembrance of the following list of deceased: Katherine Keators, Joanne Bowman, Dillon Tyree, Thomas Babbin, Theresa Morris, Florence Angley, and Robert Fosdick, Jr.—Massachusetts; David Bornick, George Seiler, Judith Coplon Socolov, Shirley Basch, and Larry Basch—New York; Nancy Davis—South Carolina; Vera Sigut—Switzerland; Jeanette McCready and Phyllis Bruce—Connecticut; Clifford Eriksen and Christopher Sekinsky—New Hampshire; Paula Roberts—Maine; Mamma Cunningham—Iowa; Ishwar Ananthapura—India. She led 122 in their memory.

Leaders: Amy Finlay 475; Kathy Collett 556; Mary Jo Shafer 101t; Amy Valladares 268; Anne Kazlauskas 447; Ruth Hook 198.


Kelly House called the class back to order leading 448t. Leaders: Peter Irvine 384; Eliza Cavanaugh 282; Rich Lee 67; Paula Picton 328; Jenna Strizak 218; Dean Jens 242; Jean Seiler 492; Katie Mahoney 285t; Katharine Manny 302; Rebecca Edwards 453; Tim Eriksen 186; Peter Goldman 121; Diane Mennella 318; Cheri Hardy 142; Dan Hertzler 505; Sally Langendorf 154.


Matthew Leger-Small called the class back to order leading 162. Leaders: Anna Maria Irvine 532; Linda Shea and Jeremy Galvagni 361; Blake Scalet and Linnea Clark 274t; Brian Collett, Nicola Collett, and Kathy Collett 547; Martha Roger 480; Caitlyn Caulfield and Kelly Taylor 270; Ines Lüttgen 181; Kshama Ananthapura 216; Terry Ryan 193; Ron Bornick 334; Andrew Magee 47b; Christine Andrews 76b; Mary Skidmore 472; Rachel Speer 573; Barbara Swetman 137; Chris Holley 277; Laura Timmerman and Kate Richardson 348b; Chuck Micciche 155; Lydia Vernon-Jones and Katie Kagay 50t; Andy Jonathan 175; Kelly House and Bill Dunn 48t; Lyssa Steponaitis 146; Matthew Wojcik and Rosie Wojcik 335.

The business meeting was called to order by Kelsey Wessels. The Finance Committee report was given. Secretary Matthew Leger-Small reported that 94 songs had been lead by 58 leaders. The Resolutions Committee thanked all those who contributed to the success of the singing.

Following announcements, Kelsey Wessels, Sheldon Finlay, and Matthew Leger-Small led 62 as the closing song. Jenna Strizak offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Kelsey Wessels; Vice Chairman—Sheldon Finlay; Secretary—Matthew Leger-Small