Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church

South of Bremen, Georgia, off Highway 27

November 3, 1996

The annual all day Sacred Harp singing was held the first Sunday in November at Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church. The class was called to order by Charlene Wallace leading song on page 60. Elder Homer Benefield led the morning prayer. Charlene Wallace then led song on page 87. Leaders: Carlene Griffin 59, 75; Elder Homer Benefield 56t; Don Bowen 570, 347 in memory of his dad, E. C. Bowen; I. V. McWhorter 84, 91; Lonnie Rogers 560, 225t; Mary F. Smith 222, 309; Phillip Langley 542, 215; Florice Akin 146; Mildred Patterson 212; Cathy White 523, 358; Tokey Boggs 569 (t? b?), 499; Myron House 148, 173. The election of officers was held. Those elected were: Chairman—Charlene Wallace; Vice Chairman—Carlene Griffin; Secretary—Judy Henry; Arranging Committee—Judy Henry and Hugh McGraw; Chaplain—Elder Homer Benefield.


The class was called together by Katherine Benefield leading song on page 101t. Leaders: Jan House 441, 143; Billy Joe Harris 47b, 503; Judy Mincey 474; Kelly Morris 147 (t? b?); Liz Bryant 504; Phil Summerlin 475; Lee Rogers 228; Bud Oliver 42; Shelbie Sheppard 556; Jacob Griffith 454; Amanda Denson 365; Louis Hughes, Jr. 276; Ann Jett 269; Buell Cobb 467; Jeanette DePoy and Scott DePoy 142; Harrison Creel 498; Evelyn Harris 30 (t? b?); Dalmon Wilson 40; Elizabeth Cusick 178; Cassie Franklin 187; Albert McGraw 294; Charles Woods 535.


The class resumed singing with Charlene Wallace and Jacob Griffith leading song on page 127. Leaders were: Kenneth DeLong 306; Cindy Franklin 73 (t? b?) (for Edith Tate); Jeff Sheppard 174; Martha Ann Stegar 63; Flarce Creel 384; Laura Akerman 532; Louis Hughes, Sr. 480; Laura Webb 163 (t? b?); Richard DeLong 234; Teenie Moody 272; Everette Denney 164; Margie Dietz 270; Andy Morse 455; Bonnie Flowers 458; Jimmie Denney 61; Alice Edwards 73 (t? b?); Florence Williams 490; Felton Denney 155; Shelton Williamson 300; David Phillips 421; Revy Williamson and Reby Stanford 328, 327.


The class was called together by Judy Henry and Hugh McGraw leading songs on pages 283 and 369. Leaders: Louise Holland 271 (t? b?); Jane Helmuth 45 (t? b?); Elder J. J. Aderhold 72b, 144; Josephine Denney 145b; Robbie Rivers 49b; Charlene Wallace 436 in memory of Hazel Cagle. Announcements were made. Charlene Wallace, Carlene Griffin, and Elder Homer Benefield led page 46 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer by B. J. Harris.

Chairman—Charlene Wallace; Vice Chairman—Carlene Griffin; Secretary—Judy Henry.