Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
McWhorter Memorial
Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church, Cleburne County, Alabama
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The annual McWhorter Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held at Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church in Cleburne County, Alabama, on Saturday before the third Sunday in October. The class was called to order by Cecil Roberts, who extended greetings to everyone before leading 138b. Ed Thacker offered the morning prayer. Cecil Roberts led 76b. Tony Hammock led 61, 83b, and 303.
The class was organized with the following officers elected: Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Tony Hammock; Secretary/Arranging Committee—Judy Chambless.
Leaders: Hubert Nall 32t; Virginia Dyer 37b, 34t; George Garner 30b; Ed Thacker 398, 235; Curtis Hamrick 77t, 59; Charlene Wallace 105, 155; Jeff Sheppard 176b, 177; James Aaron 68b, 47b.
The class resumed singing with Tony Hammock leading 60. Leaders: Lou Cotney 172, 384, 405; Robert Chambless 72b, 145b; Eschol Hughes 111b, 58, 460; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 45t, 340; C.W. Garner 101t, 100; Evelyn Harris 47t, 400; Stanley Edwards 329, 229, 500; Judy Chambless 501, 82t; Ann Simpson 127, 33b; Virginia Dyer 63, 143.
The afternoon session was brought to order by Cecil Roberts leading 97. Leaders: Hubert Nall 448t; Ed Thacker 516; Lou Cotney 358; Charlene Wallace 347; James Aaron 66; Jeff Sheppard 145t; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 390; Curtis Hamrick 436; Eschol Hughes 380; Evelyn Harris 503; C.W. Garner 40; Robert Chambless 163b; George Garner 186; Ann Simpson 123t; Stanley Edwards 121; Judy Chambless 274t; Hubert Nall 276; James Aaron 29t; Curtis Hamrick 137; Tony Hammock 517; Ed Thacker 225t.
Following the announcements, Tony Hammock led 56t as the closing song. Ed Thacker offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Tony Hammock; Secretary—Judy Chambless