Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Golden Gate Singing

Mira Loma Improvement Club, San Francisco, California

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The 5th annual Golden Gate Singing was held at the Mira Loma Improvement Club in San Francisco, California, on the fourth Sunday in April. The singing was opened by Natalia Cecire leading 59. Jim Friedrich offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Susan Fetcho 171; Linda Selph 121; Betty Marvin 27; Jim Friedrich 288; Ian Quinn 163t; Bob Brylawski 122; James Welsch 569b; Greg Freemon 224; John Marr 319; Shelby Sampson 40.

A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Chairperson—Susan Fetcho; Vice Chairperson—Rebecca Edwards; Secretary—Betty Marvin.

Leaders: Cornelia Stanton 318; Gretchen Muller 68b; Ken Olcott 269; Chris Thorman 217; Vicki Solomon and Jerry Schreiber 172; Rebecca Edwards 402; Tom Ayres 260; Sherry Wong 183.

Susan Fetcho announced the following committee appointments: Arranging Committee—Natalia Cecire and Carolyn Deacy; Chaplain—Jim Friedrich; Treasurers—Cindy Overmyer and Jeremy Knight; Assistant Secretary—Linda Selph; Resolutions—Greg Freemon and Juanita Heyerman.


The class was brought back to order by Inder Khalsa leading 29t. Leaders: Martha Sherwood 117; Hal Eisen 365; Michelle Nelson 63; Cindy Overmyer 35; Jill Accetta 67; Jeremy Littlefield 140; Terry Barber 377; Susan Helf 163b; Jessica Hahl 335; Inder Khalsa 328; Jenny Jensen 448t; David Fetcho 173.


Ian Quinn brought the class back together by leading 47b. Leaders: Kate Lingley 178; Jeremy Knight 313t; Xaris Martínez 428; Juanita Heyerman 473; Kristie Harju 500; Juniper Hill 455; Janet Herman 528; Stan Jensen 475; Marilyn Murata 506; Durward Rackleff 186; Carolyn Deacy 95; Natalia Cecire 344; Susan Fetcho 200. Jim Freidrich offered the prayer for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Kristie Harju and Xaris Martínez leading 39t. Leaders: Steve Helwig 474; Betsy Jeronen 440; Tim Eriksen 236; Gary Plouff 142; Carla Smith 444; Jessica Beer 218; Matthew Wojcik 216 (for John Plunkett); Tom McTighe 270; Jerry Schreiber 362; Allison Schofield 58; Bill Walters 442; Janet Herman 30b; Phillip Garrison 107; John Marr 72b; Cornelia Stanton 480; Jenny Jensen 446; Xaris Martínez 396.


The class was brought back together by Cornelia Stanton leading 32t. Leaders: David Fetcho 56b; Kristie Harju 229; Greg Freemon 419; Gary Plouff 101b; Rebecca Edwards 542; Stan Jensen 536; Juniper Hill 504; Inder Khalsa 383; Tim Eriksen 144; Carla Smith and Jerry Schreiber 410b; Matthew Wojcik 532; Marilyn Murata 304; Hal Eisen 96; Betsy Jeronen 155; Steve Helwig 38b; Peter Ross 99; Tom McTighe 32b; Jessica Beer 422.

A business meeting was called, and the Treasurer and Secretary gave their reports. The Resolutions Committee thanked all who made the singing possible. Announcements of other singings were made.

Susan Fetcho, Rebecca Edwards, and Betty Marvin led 62 as the closing song. Jim Friedrich offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Susan Fetcho; Vice Chairperson—Rebecca Edwards; Secretary—Betty Marvin