Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Fayette County Convention

Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Fayette, Alabama

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The 109th session of the Fayette County Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church near Fayette, Alabama, on the first Sunday in August. Chris Ballinger called the class to order leading 31b. Buddy Ballinger offered the morning prayer.

Following welcoming comments, the class organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Lisa Geist; Vice Chairman—Chris Ballinger; Secretary—Amanda Hardiman; Arranging Committee—Linton Ballinger and Lomax Ballinger.

Leaders: Lisa Geist 269, 291; Chris Ballinger 270; Amanda Hardiman 312b, 454; Lomax Ballinger 144, 168; Teresa Hope 110, 124; Travis Keeton 57, 129; Buddy Ballinger 399b, 385b; Lena Keeton 123t, 546; Wayne Baines 318, 340; Willodean Barton 82t, 101t; Albert Humber 565, 405.


The class was called back together by Linton Ballinger leading 224 and 222. Leaders: Earl Ballinger 299, 319; Tim Cook 410t, 344; Margaret Keeton 517; Wendell Rinehart 445, 31t; Anne Chalker 146, 235; Jimmy Ballinger 37b, 68b.


Gravis Ballinger brought the class back to order leading 112 and 120. Leaders: Beth Ballinger 460, 442; Mary McDonald Lewis 313b, 551; Ray Tate 119, 343; Faye Donaldson 430, 138t; Don Keeton 35, 490; Harrison Creel 498, 512; Kermit Adams 418; Johnny Humber 441, 288.


Lisa Geist called the afternoon session to order leading 391. Leaders: Larry Ballinger 276, 151; Glenn Keeton 497, 504; Judy Caudle 411, 214; Richard Mauldin 378t, 84; Bridgett Hill 472, 192; Toney Smith 188, 227; Brenda Merritt 336, 542; Danny Creel 530, 532; Josie Hyde 302, 365; Henry Guthery 34t, 558; John Beasley 33b, 61; Ken Tate 278t, 53; Clarence McCool 225t, 349; John Merritt 271t, 511 (OSH); Elene Stovall 377, 564; Marlin Beasley 448t, 316; Velton Chafin 487; Beth Ballinger 546.

Announcements were made. Lisa Geist led 528 as the closing song. Earl Ballinger offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Lisa Geist; Vice Chairman—Chris Ballinger; Secretary—Amanda Hardiman