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Holt Collier/Mississippi Bear Hunt Convention

Old Courthouse Museum, Vicksburg, Mississippi

June 28-29, 2008

Saturday, June 28

The 2nd annual Holt Collier/Mississippi Bear Hunt Singing Convention was called to order by John Merritt leading 59 (CB). Robert Vaughn offered the morning prayer. John Merritt explained that the class could sing from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition, or the Alabama Christian Harmony.

A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected or appointed: Chairman—John Merritt; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary and Arranging Committee—Henry Schuman; Memorial Committee—Emily Creel and Paul Figura.

Leaders: John Merritt and Shirley Figura 176t (CB); Henry Schuman 52t; Henry Guthery 64 (CH); Velton Chafin 316 (CH); Elsie Moon 322 (CH); B.J. Schnorenberg 87; Bruce Hedrick 248 (CH); Emily Thompson 527; Robert Vaughn 280; Juanita Beasley 61; Randy McCollum 571 (CB); Ann Fox 145b; Bill Beverly 86; Carolyn Thompson 383.


Henry Schuman brought the class back together leading 32t. Leaders: Stephanie Fida 162; Hugh Bill McGuire 205; Sarah Smith 340; Lewis Oswalt 146; Darlene Reynolds 484b (CB); Greg Howard 547; Tim Cook 38 (CH); Kathy Robinson 192; Vic Whisman 34b; Nancy Van Den Akker 559 (CB); Wendell Rinehart 159; Mako Cook 91 (CH); John Van Horn 140 (CB).


Henry Guthery brought the class back to order leading 149 (CH). Leaders: Darrel Swarens 171 (in memory of Amanda Denson); Shirley Figura 565; Mike Myhal 107 (CB); Ruth Wyers 264 (CH); Martha Beverly 218; Harrison Creel 110; Alice Sundberg and John Merritt “Munfordville”.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Henry Guthery leading 258 (CH). Leaders: Bea Carnathan 501 (CB); Gary Smith 128t (CH); Emily Creel 338b (CH); Hugh Bill McGuire 272 (CH); Wanda Capps 170 (CH); Danny Creel 308 (CH); John Merritt 96 (CB), “Higher Ground”; Cindy Tanner 168b (CH); Robert Vaughn 355 (CH); Marlin Beasley 117 (CH); Ken Sundberg 410 (CB); Ann Jett 180 (CH); John Van Horn 393 (CB); Alice Sundberg 264b (CB); Paul Figura 108b; Randy McCollum 332; Martha Beverly 546; Wendell Rinehart 445; Greg Howard 38t (CB); Henry Schuman 318 (for Pauline Childers).

John Merritt, Henry Guthery, and Robert Vaughn led 95b (CB) as the closing song. Robert Vaughn offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, July 29

The Sunday session was called to order by John Merritt and David Daniel leading 258 (CH). Arlon Gardner offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Henry Guthery 59 (CH); B.J. Schnorenberg 282; Stephanie Fida 336 (CH); Velton Chafin 120 (CH); Emily Thompson 228; Arlon Gardner 111t; Juanita Beasley 270; Harrison Creel 317; Deborah Feaster and Ruth Wyers 106 (CH); Darrell Swarens 107 (CH); Bea Carnathan 438; William W. Gilman 268.


Henry Guthery brought the class back together leading 522 (CB). Leaders: Sarah Smith 239 (CH); Danny Creel 172 (CH); Mako Cook 51 (CH); Henry Schuman and Denver Rigdon 117 (CH); Nancy Van Den Akker 228 (CH); Paul Figura 39 (CB); Emily Creel 19 (CH); Ken Sundberg 47b (CB); Elsie Moon and Emily Creel 404 (CB); David Daniel 109 (CH); Ann Fox 45t.


The class was brought back together by Danny Creel leading 76b (CB). Leaders: Kathy Robinson 146; Wanda Capps 85 (CH); Cindy Tanner and Ainslie Allen 436.

Paul Figura and Emily Creel conducted the memorial lesson. Paul Figura read the names of the deceased as follows: LaRue Allen, Delores Beasley, Amanda Denson Brady, Wilton Donaldson, Marie Guthery, B.J. Harris, Dick Mauldin, Milton Oliver, and Edith Tate—Alabama; Homer Benefield, Felton Denney, and Loy Garrison—Georgia; Minja Lausevic—Massachusetts; Jeanette Lowry—Missouri. Emily Creel spoke on their behalf and led 546 in their memory.

Paul Figura read the names of the sick and shut-ins: Kathleen Robbins, Nancy Yeager, Walter Swearingen, Pauline Childers, Nellie Davis, Wilma Mitchell, Bill Ellason, Kirby Sweatt, Kirby Sweatt, Jr., and Johanna Fabke. Paul and Emily spoke on their behalf. Paul led 490 in their honor.


John Merritt called the afternoon session to order leading 81 (CH). Leaders: John Merritt and Ruth Wyers 511 (OSH); Bill Beverly 478 (CB); Ann Jett 255 (CH); Bruce Hedrick 184 (CH); Henry McGuire 131 (CH); Alice Sundberg 268t (CH); Gary Smith 66; Martha Beverly 475; John Van Horn 497 (CB); Darlene Reynolds 569b; Tim Cook 55 (CB); Shirley Figura 39t; Mark Davis 101 (CH); Ruth Wyers 349 (CH); Marlin Beasley 10 (CH); Carolyn Thompson 504; Henry Guthery, Henry McGuire, Henry Schuman, and John Van Horn 365; Bea Carnathan 568; John Merritt, Ken Kelley, and Steve Talbert 535 (CB).

Announcements were made. John Merritt, Henry Guthery, Bruce Hedrick, and Kristen Kelley led 392 (CB) as the closing song. Mark Davis dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—John Merritt; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary—Henry Schuman