Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Alexander, Hullett, Lowe, Brothers, Hyatt, Putman, and Wootten Memorial

Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church, Oneonta, Alabama

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The 41st session of the Alexander, Hullett, Lowe, Brothers, Hyatt, Putman, and Wootten Memorial singing was held at Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church in Oneonta, Alabama, on the first Sunday in October. Terry Hullett called the class to order by leading 82t. Henry Johnson offered the morning prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Terry Hullett; Vice Chairman—Nate Green; Secretaries—Paula Gilmore and Rebekah Gilmore.

Leaders: Philip Gilmore 32t, 36b; Nate Green and Norma Green 87, 208; Bob Watkins, Jewel Wootten, and Willie Mae Moon 460; Chris Green 448b; Doug Conn 74b, 275b; Linda Thomas 278b, 47b; Sam Sommers 96, 386; Donna Wootten 81t, 56t; Wayne Jones 565, 480; Judy Caudle 542, 500; Lonnie Rogers 141, 225t.


Terry Hullett called the class back together by leading 276. Leaders: Ken Tate 135; Doyle Alexander 318, 68b; Wanda Capps 203, 168; Karen Clark 291, 354t; Henry Johnson 111t, 425; Pam Green 354b; Joel Jenkins 101t, 77t; Jackson Harcrow 335; Shane Wootten 348b, 137; Harrison Creel 512; Eloise Wootten 108t, 424; Bud Oliver 418, 288; Paula Gilmore 29t, 145b; Barbara Jones 72b.


The afternoon session was called to order by Terry Hullett leading 222. Leaders: Ernest Phillips 434; Leona Hayes and Rodney Ivey 571 (CB), 47b, 411; Cheryl Foreman 475; Karen Rollins 405, 503; Don Clark 232; Lloyd Ivey 337, 454; Ed Thacker 280, 381b; Elene Stovall 564, 216; Billy Williams 76b; Butch White 326, 344; Cassie Allen and Rodney Ivey 186, 432; Philip Gilmore, Paula Gilmore, Rebekah Gilmore, John Gilmore, Grace Gilmore, and Mary Jewel Gilmore 445; Jewel Wootten and Terry Hullett 297; Terry Hullett and Shane Wootten 501 (CB).

Terry Hullett, Philip Gilmore, and Doyle Alexander led 146 as the closing song. Elder Philip Gilmore closed with prayer. This singing today was held in memory of long time Hopewell Sacred Harp Singing supporter and family friend, Herby Bailey.

Chairman—Terry Hullett; Vice Chairman—Nate Green; Secretaries—Paula Gilmore and Rebekah Gilmore