Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Boiling Springs Convention

Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church, Ashland, Alabama

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The 141st session of the Boiling Springs Convention was held at Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church in Ashland, Alabama, on Saturday before the second Sunday in August. Eugene Forbes led 32t to bring the class to order. Marvin Reeves offered the opening prayer.

A business session was held to elect the following officers: Chairman—Eugene Forbes; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Jenny Acton; Arranging Committee—Edna Ruth Phillips.

Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 176t, 142; Jenny Acton and Jacob Acton 100, 340; Edna Ruth Phillips 452, 496; Jeanette DePoy 89, 475; Stanley Edwards 101t, 101b; Lou Cotney 222, 218; Marvin Reeves and Ann Reeves 480, 503; Judy Chambless 512, 493; Brandon Acton 40, 282; Robert Chambless 303, 84; Faye Hollis 155, 168; Bentley McGuire 38b, 177; Jacob Acton 200.


Eugene Forbes led 317 to bring the class to order. Leaders: Oscar McGuire 441, 283; Karen Clark 497, 354t; John Plunkett 80t, 416; Lonnie Rodgers 97, 348b; Karen Rollins 34b, 76b; Gib Amason and Vernelle Amason 143, 189; Don Clark 426t (for Hilda Morrison); Floy Wilder 350, 432; Jeff Sheppard 316, 439; Stephanie Tingler 437.

Jeanette DePoy conducted the memorial lesson and led 566 for the following sick and shut-ins: M.B. Forbes, Hilda Morrison, Violet Thomason, Felton Denney, Josephine Denney, and Shelbie Sheppard.

Karen Clark led 499 for the following deceased: Wilton Donaldson, Julian Murphy, B.J. Harris, and Herby Bailey—Alabama; Helen Plunkett—Georgia; Mirjana Lausevic—Minnesota. Lonnie Rodgers closed the memorial lesson with prayer. Ann Webb led 384 and 270.


Eugene Forbes led 99 to start the afternoon session. Leaders: Beth Branscome 373; Ken Robinson 72b; Jack Nelson 438; Steve Cackley 546.

In a short business session, the congregation voted to keep the singing at Mt. Zion for another year.

Leaders: Mary Jo Shafer 335; Shirley Berrey 112; Evelyn Harris 47t; Lori Hinesley 172 (in memory of her granddaddy, Chester Wallace); J.L. Hopper 534; Ed Thacker 91; Glenda Hopper 66; Margaret Ray 65; Wendy Futral 196; Myrline Redmon 358; Emily Creel 455; Danny Creel 56b; Virginia Futral 145b; William Futral 341; Mary Frances Forbes and Eugene Forbes 145t; Marvin Reeves and Ann Reeves 551; Judy Chambless 159; Brandon Acton and Jacob Acton 37t (by request); Robert Chambless 225t; Faye Hollis 276; Bentley McGuire 29b; Bentley McGuire and Brandon Acton 318 (by request).

Announcements were made. Eugene Forbes led 46 as the closing song. Elder J.L. Hopper offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Eugene Forbes; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Jenny Acton