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Cotaco Convention

Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church, Morgan County, Alabama

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The 119th session of the Cotaco Convention was held at Gum Pond Church on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July. The class was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Jonathon Thompson leading 101t. The morning prayer was offered by Elder J.L. Hopper.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jonathon Thompson; Vice Chairman—Brandon Thompson; Secretary—Judy Caudle.

Leaders: Jonathon Thompson 84; Judy Caudle 33b, 31t (in memory of Marie Guthrie); Brandon Thompson 30b, 39b; Nathan Blackwood 39t, 52b; Nancy Thompson 343, 40; Delone Cobbs 150, 290; Bud Oliver 145b, 73t; Carol Newman 448b, 358; Sonya Sipe 503, 565.


The class was called back together by Jonathon Thompson leading 47t. Leaders: Craig Holmes 111t; Ken Robinson 68b, 569b; Gordon Wilkinson 112, 141; Clayton Ezell 490 (in memory of Yette Wilkinson), 390; Bridgett Hill 36b, 142; Rachel Allred 43, 300; Loyd Ivey 426t, 97; Jennifer Allred 440, 385t. The blessing for the noon meal was offered by Elder Daniel Hopper.


The afternoon session began with Jonathon Thompson leading 384. Leaders: Rodney Ivey 107, 131b; David Carlton 134, 77t; Susan Allred 482, 399b; Beth Branscome 66, 99; J.C. Rutledge 480, 494; Garrett Sipe 354b, 274t; Beth Anne Clay and Anna Grace Sipe 278t; Glenda Hopper 223, 81b; Butch White 28b, 86; J.L. Hopper 146; Dan Hopper 394 (for Eunice Kimbrell and Rhoda Norris), 291; Rodney Ivey 303 (in memory of B.J. Harris); Marlin Beasley 312t (in memory of Marie Guthrie and B.J. Harris); Marlin Beasley 39b (for Billy Williams); Judy Caudle 82t (in memory of Minja Lausevic).

Following announcements, Jonathon Thompson led 62, and the class took the parting hand. The closing prayer was offered by Nathan Blackwood, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Jonathon Thompson; Vice Chairman—Brandon Thompson; Secretary—Judy Caudle