Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Cleburne County Convention

Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Near Heflin, Alabama

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The one hundred-fifteenth session of the Cleburne County Convention met at Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church on the third Sunday in August. Chairman Eunice Webb called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. leading 59. Lonnie Rogers offered the morning prayer. Eunice Webb led 68b; B.M. Smith 101t, 82 (t? b?).

The Introductory Lesson was led by Shelbie Sheppard from a book which was given to the Cleburne County Convention by the family and friends of J.W. Laminack. The book is a 1936 Edition of “The Sacred Harp,” which was given to the Convention with the expressed wishes that the book only be used for the “Introductory Lesson” of this Convention. In researching earlier records of the Convention, these lessons ranged from 20 to 45 (t? b?) minutes, depending on the leader. The selections used in the lesson this year were: 49t, 105, and 36b.

Leaders: Pearl Guier 32t, 303; Mary L. Smith 289, 57.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Eunice Webb; Vice Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Secretary—Hester Edwards; Arranging Committee—Pearl Guier; Memorial Committee—Mary L. Smith.

Leaders: Eunice Webb 30b; B.M. Smith 99; Cecil Roberts 335, 503; Stanley Edwards 37b, 56t; Reba Norton 47t, 373; Henry Johnson 166, 288; Charlene Wallace 276, 290 (for Bobby Jackson and Bernice Jackson); Lonnie Rogers 33b, 298; Floy Wilder 123t, 402.


The class resumed singing with Cecil Roberts leading 282. Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 556, 318 (for Louise Allen); Susan Rice 343, 345t; Ed Thacker 313t, 532; Joan Aldridge 208, 217; Bud Oliver 30t, 224; Glenda Collins 124, 81t; George Garner 212; Carlene Griffin 155, 222; Milton Oliver 270, 384; Donna Bell 203, 97.

Mary L. Smith conducted the memorial lesson. Jeff Sheppard led 204 and 436 for the deceased: Estelle Flowers, Mozelle Sheppard, Harvey Austin, Gladys Simmons, Kenneth Simmons, Eric Reaves, Joe Norton, Irene Willoughby, and Alonzo Edwards.

Shelbie Sheppard led 326 and 179 for the sick and shut-ins which included: Alice Edwards, I.V. McWhorter, Reby Stanford, Gladys McGraw, Bobby Jackson, Myrtle Smith, Nancy Allen, Lois Stanson, and Nelda Henry. Cecil Roberts closed the memorial with prayer.


The afternoon session was called to order by Cecil Roberts leading 63. Leaders: Karen Reaves 231; Michael Turner 358, 294; Ruth Daniel 127, 378t; Jimmie Denney 145b, 87; Cecilia Sanders 354b, 40; Tony Hammock 89, 312b; Evelyn Harris 106, 108t; John Plunkett 108b, 74t; Corene Laminack 75; Billy Joe Harris 225t, 147t; Lou Cotney 300, 172; Ann Simpson 45t; Lewis Norton 200, 418; Hester Edwards and Michael Turner 73b, 340 (for Alice Edwards, Louise Owen, and Alma Owen); John Plunkett 361 (request); Jeff Sheppard 225b (request).

A business session was held to see if any other community/church wanted to host the Convention next year. No requests were received, so the Convention will be held at Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church until such time a request is received.

Announcements were made. Eunice Webb and Cecil Roberts led 46 as the closing song. Elder Lewis Norton offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Eunice Webb; Vice Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Secretary—Hester Edwards.