Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Harper Memorial Singing

Old Flatwoods Primitive Baptist Church, Nauvoo, Alabama

October 12, 2003

The annual Harper Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held at Old Flatwoods Primitive Baptist Church on the second Sunday in October. Jimmie Gilmore and Ashley Keeton called the class to order at 10:00 a.m., extended greetings to everyone, then led 32t, 34t, and 36b. Joshua Keeton offered the morning prayer. Ashley Keeton led 77t.

A business session was held with the class voting to retain the following officers: Chairladies—Jimmie Gilmore and Ashley Keeton; Vice Chairmen—Arthur Gilmore and Joshua Keeton; Secretary/Memorial Committee—Jimmie Gilmore; Arranging Committee—Arthur Gilmore.

Leaders: Joshua Keeton 503, 317, 108t; Clarence McCool 101t, 569b, 68b (in memory of A.A. Malone); Travis Keeton 129, 146, 321; Ashley Campbell 47b, 30t, 196.


Arthur Gilmore called the class back together leading 565, 30b, 491b (WB). Leaders: Elizabeth Keeton and Glenn Keeton 34b, 73b, 213b; Joyce Keeton and Joshua Keeton 59, 40, 143; Elder W.G. McGough 283, 45t.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Jimmie Gilmore and Pamela Gilmore who led 235 and 192 in memory of all the deceased Harper family members, A.A. Malone, Dessie Goodman, Lavaughn Ballinger, Rose Altha Taylor, and Sidney McMunn. Josie Hyde is very ill and not able to be here today, and we remembered her. Pamela Gilmore led 430 and 142 in memory of her aunt, Lavada Gilmore, and the memorial was closed. Billy Williams offered the blessing for the noon meal.


The afternoon of singing began with Jimmie Gilmore leading 378t and 43. Leaders: Glenn Keeton 274t, 278t, 490; Ila Ingle 87, 335; Ashley Campbell 442; Ashley Keeton and Ashley Campbell 504, 546; Dwight Ingle 59, 445, 269, 119; Margaret Keeton 39b, 410t; John Beasley 410b, 285t; Latrive Bailey 345t, 345b, 384; Glenn Keeton 294 (by request of Garnsey McGough).

Jimmie Gilmore and Ashley Keeton led 62 as the closing song. Elder W.G. McGough offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

We appreciate all who came and supported this singing and welcome everyone back again next year.

Chairladies—Jimmie Gilmore and Ashley Keeton; Vice Chairmen—Arthur Gilmore and Joshua Keeton; Secretary—Jimmie Gilmore.