Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Beasley-Lee Memorial Singing

Concord Primitive Baptist Church, Winfield, Alabama

August 17, 2003

The thirty-fifth annual Belton and Emma Beasley and Phillip Lee, III Memorial Singing was held at Concord Primitive Baptist Church in Winfield, Alabama on the third Sunday in August. The class was called to order by Chairman Marlin Beasley leading 47t. John Merritt offered the opening prayer.

The class organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Marlin Beasley; Vice Chairman—Travis Keeton; Secretary—Gary Smith; Arranging Committee—Josie Hyde.

Marlin Beasley led 192 for Lisa Morton and Elsie Beasley. Leaders: Travis Keeton 138t, 73t; Sarah Beasley Smith 290, 288; Richard Schmeidler 84, 475; Ann Beasley Ballard 421, 277; Winell Sanders 225t; Kermit Adams 285t, 99; Brenda Peña 73b, 317; John Beasley 335, 68b; Sandie Scott 472, 108b; David Carlton 134, 89; Allison Ivey 482, 497.


The class resumed singing with Marlin Beasley leading 32t. Leaders: Gary Smith 31t, 565 (for Juanita Beasley); Beth O’dell 442, 546; Harrison Creel 498, 530; Willodean Barton 480 (for Wilton Donaldson); Larry Ballinger 119, 121; Brenda Merritt 430; Clarence McCool 328, 349; Elene Stovall 216 (in memory of her father, Demus Aldridge), 440; Billy Williams 78, 154; Karen Ivey 331, 567 (for Richard Ivey); Velton Chafin 159 (for the Beasley family); Ricky Beasley 75, 49b. Grace was offered by Earl Ballinger.


Marlin Beasley brought the afternoon session to order leading 72 (t? b?). Thanks was given to the young people who prepared and served lunch: Jessica Briggs, Dustin McGowan, Freddie Briggs, Chris Briggs, Tom Beasley, Ross Beasley, Bonnie Beasley Grindle, and Seth Holloway.

Leaders: Gravis Ballinger 300; Dr. Julietta Haynes 142, 211; Glenn Keeton and Elizabeth Keeton 34b, 59; Ivalene Donaldson 204; David Ivey 200; Amanda Denson 327; Max Berueffy 297, 373 (by request); John Merritt 36b (in memory of Elder Donald Smith), 240, 358 (for his mother); Buell Cobb 83t; Earl Ballinger 299; David Jackson 269, 82t; John Hyde 61, 63; Becky Briggs and Jessica Briggs 354 (t? b?); Becky Briggs and Michael Henderson 45t (for Troy and Alene Hallmark); David “Chug” Beasley and Allen Henderson 235; Cora Beasley Sweatt and Exie Lee Henderson 145b; Alvin “Bunk” Beasley 108t; Dorothea McGowan 196; Charlie Ballard 512; Charlie Ballard and Seth Holloway 388; David Beasley 30b, 39b; Josie Hyde 408, 460 (for Elsie Beasley); Harrison Creel 342 (by request). After announcements, Marlin Beasley and Travis Keeton led 46 as the closing song. Dan McCurry offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Marlin Beasley; Vice Chairman—Travis Keeton; Secretary—Gary Smith.