Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Fasola All Day Singing

St. Vincent Antiochian Orthodox Church, Omaha, Nebraska

Saturday, March 31, 2001

The third session of the FaSoLa All Day Singing was held at St. Vincent Antiochian Orthodox Church in Omaha, Nebraska on Saturday before the first Sunday in April. Chairman Jim Solheim called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. leading song on page 40. Sandra Squires offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Susan Green 350; Dave Ressler 171; Steven Levine 371; Rebecca Browne 276; Todd Mitchell 53; Gary Gronau 99; Joe Casad 299; Martha Henderson 370; Matt Wells 503; Lou Kujawinski 535; Denise Kania 474; Jeanette Lowry 475; Paul Wyatt 176t; Scott Schroeder 497; Penny Kujawinski 82b; John Pearson 66; Jack Bourdess 268; Jenni Wallace-Grate 566.


Kathy Wood brought the class to order leading song on page 87. Leaders: Judi Duerr 86; Deborah Johnson 504; Jim Solheim “Nebraska” (original composition); Charles Scudder and Mary Bamesberger 145b; Joe Casad 377; Cindy Miserez 159; Larry Hall 472; Scott Schroeder 178; Gary Gronau 29t; Penny Kujawinski 84; Steven Levine 228; Rebecca Browne 269; Lou Kujawinski 34b; Dave Ressler 203; Susan Green 57. Sandra Squires offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Jenni Wallace-Grate brought the afternoon session to order leading song on page 155. Leaders: Matt Wells 288; Sue Pearson 147t; Alice Love 344; Debra Johnson 213 (t? b?); Todd Mitchell 38b; Martha Henderson 406; Jeanette Lowry 436; Denise Kania 128; Kathy Wood 358; Judi Duerr 198; Jenni Wallace-Grate 515b; Jack Bourdess 107.

A memorial lesson was held by Susan Green, Chairman of the Memorial Committee, who opened the service with a prayer and led song on page 285t for the deceased. Paul Wyatt read the list of the names of the sick and shut-ins and led song on page 68b. The memorial was closed.


Jon Pearson called the final session to order leading song on page 143. Leaders: Joe Casad 391, 454; Mary Bamesberger 73t; Cindy Miserez 551; Penny Kujawinski 455; Scott Schroeder 236; Jim Solheim 216; Larry Hall 532; Lou Kujawinski 312b; Alice Love 65; Gary Gronau 496; Rebecca Browne 56b; Steven Levine 473; Dave Ressler 36b; Denise Kania 142; Paul Wyatt 182; Martha Henderson 480; Jeanette Lowry 146; Matt Wells 47t; Deborah Johnson 106; Todd Mitchell 547; Jon Pearson 569b; Susan Green 64.

Announcements were made. Jim Solheim led song on page 62 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed with prayer led by Sandra Squires.

Chairman—Jim Solheim; Vice Chairman—Jim Wood; Treasurer—Sandra Squires; Secretary—Cindy Miserez.