Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Young People’s Convention

Town Hall, Leyden, Massachusetts

Saturday, July 29, 2000

The twentieth session of the Young People’s Convention was held in Leyden Massachusetts on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in July.

Tim Eriksen brought the class to order leading song on page 448b. Leaders: Eric Morgan 340; Allison Schofield 142; Kara Morin 178; Peter Irvine 171; Kelsey Wessels 442; Kelly House 32t; Bradford West 228; Richard Ivey 182; Matthew Wojcik 68b; Gina Balestracci 29b; Laura Timmerman 34b; Phil Tyler 101t; Gary Smith 569b; Jessica Holland 362; Bryant Lee 63; Allen Fannin 445b; Kate Richardson 384; George Seiler 480.


Jim Desmond brought the class to order leading song on page 276. Leaders: Cath Oss 318; Jeff Colby 496; Sarah Harcrow 186; Bill Holt 376; Barbara Swetman 125; Hannah Lee and Rachel Lee 145b, 312b; Bob Snope 122; Chris Noren 217; Diane Mennella 211; Guy Bankes 532; Lydia Vernon-Jones 95b; Ginny Landgraf 447; Kathy Lee 36b; Lynne deBenedette 430; Gerry Hoffman 69t.

Kelly House conducted the memorial lesson and spoke about the continuity of love in this community that had brought us together. Mirjana Lausevic led song page 335 for the sick and shut-ins. Those remembered were: George Belliveau, Elsie Lawless, and Donald Lawless—Massachusetts; Ilmar Knets, Richard Morganson, Dot Garber, and Susan Garber—Connecticut; Mia Finbinder, Michael Nevenche, and Bryce Butler—New York; Muriel Parker—Maryland; Vedie Touchstone, Myrtle Smith, Mozelle Sheppard, I.V. McWhorter, Lonnie Rodgers, and Vivian Rodgers—Georgia; Ruby Phillips—Alabama; Elsie Allen—California.

Kelly House spoke about her sister, Karen House, and the comfort she received from this singing and led song on page 475 in memory of the deceased. Those remembered were: Fred Pidgeon, Katherine Brooks, Peggy Sibley, and Tom Lepan—Massachusetts; Bill Ackerman—Vermont; Ed Wright—New Hampshire; Karen House and Karen Hamilton—New York; Raymond Clark—Maine; Carolyn Abrahms—New Jersey; Frances Hoffman and Doris Rouark—Maryland; Dolly Hudgins and Allene Stanford—Georgia; Dr. Clyde, Rosa Hughes, and Virgil Phillips—Alabama; Ben Hertzler—New Mexico; Arthur Allen and Ursula Rauskolb—California; Roland Venier—France. The memorial lesson was closed. Tim Eriksen led a prayer of thankfulness for rich and deep blessings, fellowship, and endless grace.


Eric Morgan called the class to order by leading song page 59. Leaders: Mary Ellen Donaldson 163t; Eliza Cavanaugh 203; David Lee 82t; Kshama Ananthapura 319; Dennis O’Brien 304; Susan Bingham 361, Sarah Beasley Smith 129; Andrew Doucet 285t; Tom Metzger 383; Bill Dunn 160b; Karen Lusardi 106; Lauren Ciancio 183; Oona Coy 501; Martha Lang 48t; Seth Holloway 388; Inga Knets 99; John Brode 57; Rani Arbo and Kshama Ananthapura 56b; Richard Schmeidler 254.

A business meeting was held to hear the committee reports.

Treasurer Kara Morin reported that the generous donations collected surpassed the costs of the convention.

Secretary Allison Schofield reported that there were 143 people registered from 18 states, plus the United Kingdom and Canada with 73 leaders leading 79 songs.

Bradford West gave the Resolutions Committee Report with thanks and acknowledgements given to the following people:

(1) The officers and committee members for their contributions to the singing;

(2) Laura Timmerman for bringing us to her hometown of Leyden, Massachusetts;

(3) Everyone who cooked the wonderful lunch;

(4) Dan Richardson for recording the singing;

(5) George Seiler, the Beasley Memorial Fund, and many other personal gifts given to help people travel to the singing.

By unanimous consent the excess convention funds were set aside to help pay for traveling to next year’s Young People’s convention.

Leaders: Tim Eriksen 245; Dan Hertzler 47b; Anne Kazlauskas 201; Leyland del Re 291; Ariel Weinberg 547; Colin Henein 347; Paula McGray 156; Louis Freilicher 300; Bobbie Goodell 120; Anne Pratt 282; Paul Butler 314; Laura Clawson 112; Ginnie Ely 215; David Lee for Joan Frankel 414; Mary Ann Morrison 479; Susan Waters 272; Patricia Geritz 31t; Lyra O’Brien 94; Linda Shea 535; Tim Eriksen 448t. Tim Eriksen led song on page 62 as the closing song. David Lee closed the singing with a prayer of thankfulness.

Chairman—Timothy Eriksen; Vice Chairman—Eric Morgan; Treasurer—Kara Morin; Secretary—Allison Schofield.