Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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State Line Church

Cleburne County, Alabama

Saturday, April 8, 2000

The annual Sacred Harp singing at State Line Church in Cleburne County, Alabama (just off Highway 78 at the Alabama-Georgia state line) was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in April. Jeff Sheppard called the singing to order at 9:00 a.m. (CT) with song on page 37b. Lonnie Rogers led the class in morning prayer. Jeff Sheppard led song on page 61, and Shelbie Sheppard led song on page 440 (dedicated to Virgil Phillips who was buried on April 1st).

The class organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Mary F. Smith; Arranging Committee—Bud Oliver and Cindy Franklin; Memorial Committee—Helen Bryson.

Leaders: Rodney Ivey 186; Bud Oliver 39b; Helen Bryson 456; Everette Denney 405; Laura Densmore 142; Mel Kersey 515; Regina Foster 272; George Seiler 84; Teenie Moody 430; Tim Cook and Martin Cochran 63; Cathy White 503; Jarrod George 300.


Jeff Sheppard called the class to order leading song on page 97. Leaders: Pam Nunn, Kyle Nunn, and Jeff Sheppard 270; Bobby Jackson 282; Catherine Oss 163t; Henry Schuman 102; Jeannette DePoy 192; Don Bowen 145b; Tom McGraw 73t; Mattie Townsel 155; Jean Seiler 200; Louis Hughes 135.


David Lee brought the class to order leading song on page 274t. Leaders: T.J. Willard 378t; Cassie Franklin 224; Phillip Langley 436; Sarah Harcrow 299; Kathy Lee and Rachel Lee 171; Martha Henderson 454; Jimmie Denney 176t; Judy Mincey 475; B.J. Harris 303; Tim Eriksen 542; Reba Dell Windom 216.

The Memorial Lesson was given by Helen Bryson with the following deceased remembered: Virgil Phillips, Dollie Hudgins, Verla Ross, Lillie Bell Ayers, Ester Brown, Florence Williams, Richard Allison, Roy Avery, Ralph Heath, Ruth Redding, Ed Craig, and Glenn Lacey.

Lonnie Rogers led song on page 475 in memory of Virgil Phillips. Lonnie Rogers spoke of how things always seemed to brighten up when Virgil was around with his great big smile; and concluded his remarks with thoughts of how Virgil always wanted the best for everyone, and how much he will be missed by singers and friends.

Jeannette DePoy led song on page 81t for Dollie Hudgins. Jeannette DePoy spoke of Mrs. Hudgins as being a friend to everyone and of her many contributions as a singer and supporter of many singings with her great lunches.

John Plunkett led song on page 32t for the sick and shut-ins. Helen Bryson concluded the memorial with the reading of a poem for those who are left here. Felton Denney closed the memorial with prayer.


Rodney Ivey brought the afternoon session to order leading song on page 47b. Leaders: Bonnie Flowers and Eric Morgan 145t; Henry Johnson 385t; Felton Denney 489b; Nate Green and Norma Green 147t; Christine Stevens 277; Evelyn Harris 30t; James Nelson Gingerich 148; Estelle Flowers 284; Ted Mercer 285b; Pauline Childers 384; Keith Willard 80t; Kshama Ananthapura 33b; Eric Morgan 58; Midge Olsen 99; Flora Skinner 434; Milton Oliver 314; Pam Nunn, Rene Greene, and Shelbie Sheppard 269; Dennis George 421; Val Eng 362; Elene Stovall 189; Jenny Willard 460; George Olsen 497; John Bailey 218; Tollie Lee 319; Earlis McGraw 558; Terry Wootten 271t; Charles Franklin 480; Johnny Lee 137; Martha Henderson 49t.

Announcements were made. Jeff Sheppard and Rodney Ivey led song on page 46 as the closing song. Tollie Lee dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Mary Florence Smith.