A throne of grace, then let us go | 466 Haynes Creek |
And in me let each virtue shine | 205 Pleasant Hill |
And let all fears from me depart. | 539 Supplication |
And let all tunes of pleasure sing | 492 Invocation |
And let His praise from ev’ry hill | 538 Hampton |
And let it faint or die | 103 Animation 146 Hallelujah |
And let me languish into life. | 245 Claremont |
And let our joys be known | 31b Webster 481 Novakoski |
And let the celestial courts His praise repeat | 223 Portuguese Hymn |
And let the poor pilgrim go home. | 275b Roll On |
And let this feeble body fail | 103 Animation 146 Hallelujah |
And let us all be hast’ning home | 460 Sardis |
And let your joys be known | 52t Albion |
And let your wand’ring steps be spared | 461 Shining Star |
Awake, and let thy flowing strains | 184 Enfield |
But let me all Thy stamp receive | 448t Consecration |
But let me all Thy words obey. | 448t Consecration |
But let me find them all again | 146 Hallelujah 383 Eternal Day |
But let not their flatt’ry our prudence beguile. | 136 Morality |
But let them think and think again | 406 New Harmony |
But let us follow on. | 201 Pilgrim |
But shall I therefore let Him go | 270 Confidence |
Can you bear to let them go? | 59 Holy Manna |
Come and let us reason. | 448b The Grieved Soul |
Come, let us ascend! All may climb it who will | 551 Jacob’s Vision |
Come, let us join our friends above | 285t Arnold |
Come, let us join with one accord | 283 Sabbath Morning |
Come, let us raise our voices high | 411 Morning Prayer |
“Come let us seek our God today;” | 150 Amity |
Come, my soul and let us try | 448b The Grieved Soul |
Glory, glory, let us sing | 412 New Hosanna |
Great God, let all my tuneful pow’rs | 434 Fillmore |
Great God, let all Thy tuneful pow’r | 426b Jasper |
Heav’n, earth and hell draw near, Let all things come | 151 Symphony |
Let a repenting rebel live: | 73t Cusseta |
Let all repeat the universal Lord. | 394 The Messiah’s Praise |
Let’s all repent the sins we’ve done | 98 Dull Care |
Let all the nations know | 40 Lenox |
Let all the saints terrest’rial sing | 285t Arnold |
Let all who would wish to see Millennium begin | 130 Millennium |
Let angels prostrate fall | 63 Coronation 198 Green Street 314 Cleburne 485 New Agatite |
Let cares, like a wild deluge, come | 43 Primrose Hill 114 Saint’s Delight |
Let’s covet those charms that shall never decay | 136 Morality |
Let deep repentance, faith, and love | 205 Pleasant Hill |
Let’s drive all care away. | 98 Dull Care |
Let evening blush to own a star | 32t Corinth |
Let ev’ry creature join | 182 Newburgh |
Let every heart prepare a throne | 441 Raymond |
Let ev’ry land their tongues employ | 228 Marlborough |
Let ev’ry mortal ear attend | 295 Odem |
Let faith exalt her joyful voice | 562 Infinite Delight |
Let floods of penitential grief | 33t Weeping Savior |
Let gentle patience smile on pain | 32b Distress |
Let heav’n and earth proclaim | 485 New Agatite |
Let heav’n begin below. | 312t Sing to Me of Heaven |
Let’s live so in youth that we blush not in age. | 136 Morality |
Let me a sharer be.” | 44 The Converted Thief |
Let me to Thy bosom fly | 452 Martin |
Let midnight be ashamed of noon | 32t Corinth |
Let millions invade us, we’ll meet them undaunted | 346 The American Star |
Let mine eyes behold the day;” | 56b Villulia |
Let music charm me last on earth | 312t Sing to Me of Heaven |
Let my religious hours alone | 280 Westford |
Let my whole heart with rapture glow | 316 New Hope |
Let no other trust intrude. | 81t Beach Spring |
Let not conscience make you linger | 81t Beach Spring |
Let not this grieve your heart | 570 Farewell to All |
Let nothing cause you to delay | 213t The Good Old Way |
Let one sweet song begin | 312t Sing to Me of Heaven |
Let peace and love on earth abound | 412 New Hosanna |
Let peace surround the earth | 152 Shepherds Rejoice |
Let persecution rage around | 83b The Dying Minister 348t Ainslie 570 Farewell to All |
Let sinners take their course | 203 Florida |
Let storms of sorrow fall | 43 Primrose Hill 114 Saint’s Delight |
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter | 145t Warrenton 333 Family Circle |
Let the Creator’s praise arise | 192 Schenectady 377 Eternal Praise |
Let the heav’ns rejoice | 234 Reverential Anthem |
Let the high heav’ns your songs invite | 479 Chester |
Let the Redeemer’s name be sung | 192 Schenectady 276 Bridgewater 377 Eternal Praise |
Let the Redeemer’s praise arise: | 276 Bridgewater |
Let the sweet hope that Thou art mine | 475 A Thankful Heart |
Let the time of joy return | 70t Gainsville |
Let the words of my mouth | 518 Heavenly Anthem |
Let the world despise and leave me | 370 Monroe |
Let those refuse to sing | 31b Webster 52t Albion 481 Novakoski |
Let Thy Spirit now impart | 70t Gainsville |
Let us all rejoice in Thee. | 50b Humility 70t Gainsville |
Let us all then with angels sing | 81b Cookham |
Let us love and pray for sinners | 59 Holy Manna |
Let us love each other, too | 59 Holy Manna |
Let us love our God supremely | 59 Holy Manna |
Let us now our day improve | 523 Pleyel’s Hymn |
Let us run our race with patience | 144 Jubilee |
Let us share Thy favor now. | 477 Lord, We Adore Thee |
Let us sing, sweetly sing | 46 Let Us Sing |
Lord, I cannot let Thee go | 74b King of Peace |
Lord, let not all my hopes be vain | 38b Windham |
Loud let His praises ring | 354b Happy Land |
Nor let me fall, I pray. | 96 Few Happy Matches |
Nor let me in my sins expire! | 48b Kedron |
Nor let my hope be lost. | 73b Arlington 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
Nor let Thy Zion be forgot | 49b Mear |
Now let each one cease from sinning | 144 Jubilee |
Now, let our works and virtue show | 488 As We Go On |
Oh come, and let us worship at His feet. | 223 Portuguese Hymn |
Oh come, loud anthems let us sing | 49t Old Hundred |
Oh let me feel Thee near | 131t Messiah |
Oh, let not the phantom wishes engage | 136 Morality |
Oh, let Thy mercy fill my heart | 539 Supplication |
Oh, let Thy thought and praise arise | 539 Supplication |
Oh then let us join together | 144 Jubilee |
On me let streams of mercy roll | 93 Frozen Heart |
Our cheerful voices let us raise | 521 Parting Friends |
Salvation! Let the echo fly | 47t Primrose |
Sisters, let your prayers abound | 59 Holy Manna |
So let Thy pard’ning love be found. | 73t Cusseta |
Speak and let the worst be known? | 448b The Grieved Soul |
Then let me nothing love | 39t Detroit |
Then let our songs abound | 313t Concord 481 Novakoski 565 The Hill of Zion |
Then let us in His name sing on | 283 Sabbath Morning |
Then let us praise Him | 355 Anthem on the Savior |
Then let your songs abound | 220 Mount Zion |
Thy pard’ning voice, oh, let me hear | 96 Few Happy Matches |
Wrestling, I will not let Thee go | 95 Vernon |