A sun that shall never go down. | 123t The Dying Christian |
And God has showered His blessing down | 466 Haynes Creek |
And I must go, and die down in the cold and silent grave | 260 Farewell Anthem |
And lay me down to rest | 312t Sing to Me of Heaven |
And lay thee down to rest. | 489 The Savior’s Call |
And melt my hardness down | 535 Shawmut |
And our children sinking down | 59 Holy Manna |
And send converting power down | 70b Save, Mighty Lord |
And you, mine eyes, look down and view | 440 North Salem |
As down a lone valley with cedars o’erspread | 358 Murillo’s Lesson |
As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of His ire! | 149 The Trumpet |
At His table we’ll sit down | 59 Holy Manna |
Comes down to dwell with you... | 152 Shepherds Rejoice 306 Oxford |
Cut down and withered in an hour. | 50t Mortality 181 Exit |
Down thy pale and tender cheek | 359 The Bride’s Farewell |
Fall down before his face | 113 The Prodigal Son |
God’s Holy Spirit down is pouring | 102 Fulfillment |
God of my life, look gently down | 86 Poland |
He maketh me to lie down | 524 The Twenty-Third Psalm |
He sends His show’rs of blessing down | 200 Edom 301 Greenland 304 Morgan 528 Showers of Blessings |
I lay my body down to sleep | 566 Hebron |
I sat down under his shadow with great delight | 254 Rose of Sharon |
I’ll lay my armor down | 373 Homeward Bound |
Joy of heav’n to earth come down | 30t Love Divine |
Lay down your crooks and quit your flocks | 461 Shining Star |
Look down from the clouds with bright aspect serene. | 346 The American Star |
Nor lay thine armor down | 147b Laban 372 Rockport |
Of the Holy One comes down | 59 Holy Manna |
Oh mercy! Oh mercy! look down from above | 149 The Trumpet |
Or impetuous down the cliff | 450 Elder |
Sat down by proud Euphrates’ stream: | 504 Wood Street |
Send it down, Lord, from above. | 323t Mullins |
Shouting, singing, send it down | 80t Shouting Song |
Sinking down, Sinking down | 159 Wondrous Love |
Sorrow and love flow mingled down! | 447 Wondrous Cross |
Stoop down and drink and live!” | 75 I Would See Jesus |
Tempests and fire attend Him down the sky | 151 Symphony |
That wafts salvation down to man | 569b Sacred Throne |
The angel of the Lord came down | 186 Sherburne 461 Shining Star |
The God of glory down to men | 409 Promised Day |
The new Jerusalem comes down | 155 Northfield 299 New Jerusalem |
Those who are cast down lift up | 70t Gainsville |
Thy pow’r conveys our blessings down | 111t Journey Home |
To lay this body down. | 47b Idumea 288 White 428 World Unknown |
To show’r salvation down. | 178 Africa |
What is this that casts thee down? | 448b The Grieved Soul |
What shall I do, shall I lay down | 462 Faith and Hope |
What shall I do? Shall I lie down | 67 Columbus |
When I was sinking down | 159 Wondrous Love |
When our Redeemer shall come down | 283 Sabbath Morning |
While tears were streaming down her breast | 37t Ester |
While trav’ling down life’s weary road | 564 Zion |
Why restless, why cast down, my soul? | 230 Converting Grace |