And God has showered His blessing down | 466 Haynes Creek |
Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure | 532 Peace and Joy |
Come, Thou Fount of ev’ry blessing | 135 Olney 145t Warrenton 154 Rest For the Weary 312b Restoration 333 Family Circle |
Each blessing to my soul more dear | 143 Pleyel’s Hymn |
He sends His show’rs of blessing down | 200 Edom 301 Greenland 304 Morgan 528 Showers of Blessings |
Jesus, grant us all a blessing | 80t Shouting Song 323t Mullins |
Secure the blessing of the day. | 28b Wells |
Send a blessing, send a blessing just now. | 369 Send A Blessing |
The blessing of Thy grace impart | 475 A Thankful Heart |
Thy lips with blessing overflow | 503 Lloyd |
Till a blessing Thou bestow. | 50b Humility 70t Gainsville 74b King of Peace |
We shall all receive a blessing | 144 Jubilee |