Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
bids 25 occurrences, 20 verses, 25 songs
And bids me ne’er give o’er | |
And bids me not give o’er. | |
And bids the spring return. | |
And bids the world farewell | |
And bids them leave a world of woe | |
And bids your longing appetites | |
And Jesus bids me come? | |
And when my blessed Savior bids me come | |
Bids all our guilt and fears removed | |
Bids you His salvation sing. | |
Bids you undismayed go on. | |
Bright morning star, bids darkness flee. | |
He bids th’oppressed and poor repair | |
He bids the sun cut short his race | |
It bids my trembling soul rejoice | |
My Savior smiles and bids me come | |
That bids my sorrow cease | |
That bids my spirit tower | |
That bids our sorrows cease | |
Where Jesus is smiling and bids me to come. |