Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
angels 52 occurrences, 44 verses, 49 songs
A voice as of angels enchantingly sung | |
And all the angels bid them come | |
And go where saints and angels dwell | |
And praising and blessings, with angels on high | |
And the angels could do nothing more | |
And the angels stand inviting | |
And there with saints and angels join | |
Angels in shining order stand | |
Angels rolled the rock away | |
Ashamed of Thee whom angels praise | |
Bright angels are from glory come | |
Bright angels shall convey me home | |
Bring them, ye angels, from their distant lands. | |
Come, join the angels in the sky | |
For the angels of Jacob are guarding it still. | |
Hark! the Herald angels sing | |
Hark! they whisper; angels say | |
I soon shall sing with the angels’ band | |
I want to see bright angels stand | |
If angels sung a Savior’s birth | |
Jesus, the God whom angels fear | |
Let angels prostrate fall | |
Let us all then with angels sing | |
Mighty hosts of the angels that wait on the Lord. | |
My angels guard us while we sleep | |
Never did angels taste above | |
None richer possessed by the angels above | |
See how the angels wing their way | |
Shout His almighty name, ye choirs of angels | |
Sing a sweet song such as angels may have | |
Sweet angels beckon me away | |
Ten thousand angels filled the sky | |
The angels in glory repeat the glad story | |
The angels owe their bliss | |
The angels stand ready and waiting | |
The wond’ring angels see | |
To sing above, as angels do | |
To sing His praise where angels sing | |
When angels beckon me away | |
Where seraphs and angels repeat the glad story | |
While all the angels sing. | |
While angels strain their noble pow’rs | |
While well-appointed angels keep | |
With such as angels eat. |