Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
South Georgia Sacred Harp Singing Convention
Liberty Hill Community House, Barnesville, Georgia
Sunday, October 1, 2017
The 98th session of the South Georgia Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held on the first Sunday in October. President John Plunkett called the class to order leading 52t. John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: John Plunkett 129 (for Myrtice Meeks); Oscar McGuire 59, 34b; Justin Bowen 324, 228; Helen Bryson 131b, 522 (for Carol Martin); Mike Spencer 289, 370; Judy Chambless 36t; David Smead 506, 530; Winfred Kerr 36b, 225t; Anna Hinton 203, 142; Matt Hinton 385b, 419. The President announced that John Hollingsworth and Wesley Haley would serve as the Nominating Committee, and that Justin Bowen would serve as Acting Secretary.
John Plunkett and Alpha Watson called the class back to order leading 277. Leaders: David Brodeur 313t, 311; Rosemund Watson 503, 94; John Hollingsworth 466, 230; Shannon Primm 200, 201; Greta Edwards 282; Dan Edwards 73t, 30b; Martha Harrell 99, 77t.
A motion carried to enter into a business session wherein the class accepted the Nominating Committee’s recommendation to retain the following officers: President—John Plunkett; Vice President—Oscar McGuire; Secretary—Lauren Bock; Treasurer—Helen Bryson; Chaplain—Matt Hinton. Helen Bryson presented the Treasurer’s report for 2016-2017, which the class approved. Jesse P. Karlsberg made a motion that the Treasurer be delegated the responsibility of submitting payment on behalf of South Georgia Convention singings for their minutes to be included in the Minutes and Directory of Sacred Harp Singings. The motion carried. The class reviewed and accepted a list of singings to be printed in the convention’s directory. The business session was closed. Wayne Watson offered grace.
John Plunkett opened the afternoon session by leading 416. Leaders: Erica Hinton 39t, 492; Mary Brownlee 501, 348b; Robert Chambless 452, 84; Rita Haley 137, 268.
Lisa Bennett conducted the memorial service, leading 212 for the following sick and shut-ins: Myrtice Meeks, Agnes Roberts, Charlene Wallace, and Chris Holley. Lisa Bennett then led 353 in memory of the following deceased: Hugh McGraw—Georgia; Eloise Wootten and Susie Denson—Alabama; and Edith Owen—Texas. Chaplain Matt Hinton offered prayer to close the memorial service.
Leaders: Sandra Wilkinson 46, 30t; Jesse P. Karlsberg 489, 556; Elizabeth Stoddard 399t, 181; Lisa Bennett 213b, 227 (for Karen Rollins); Robert Stoddard 224, 421; Robert Kelley 78, 446; Wesley Haley 128, 45t; Lottie Hinton 32t; Oscar McGuire 485; Justin Bowen 500; Dan Edwards 448b; Jesse P. Karlsberg and Lucey Rose Karlsberg 378t; Winfred Kerr 314; Elizabeth Stoddard and Robert Stoddard 423.
After announcements, Mary Brownlee, Rosemund Watson, and Martha Harrell led 347 as the closing song. Matt Hinton offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
President—John Plunkett; Vice President—Oscar McGuire; Secretary—Lauren Bock; Acting Secretary—Justin Bowen