Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Rome Sacred Harp Singing

Rome Midway Primitive Baptist Church, Armuchee, Georgia

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Sacred Harp singing held at Rome Midway Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday before the third Sunday in August was called to order by B.M. Smith leading 59. The morning prayer was offered by Elder Ricky Harcrow. Elder Harcrow welcomed the class, and then led 74b.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—B.M. Smith; Secretary—Cindy Tanner; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless.

Leaders: Cindy Tanner 167; Judy Chambless 527; Scott DePoy 201; Charlene Wallace 283; Shane Wootten 65; John Plunkett 34t; Reba Windom 318; Helen Bryson 208; Danny Creel 498; Faith Riley 440; Anita Landess 224; Phil Summerlin 47t; Eric Tweedy 282; Michael Thompson 544; Jeannette DePoy 460; Nate Green and Norma Green 77t; Tony Hammock 464; Yancey Jett 480; Donna Bell 209.


B.M. Smith led 123t to bring the class together. Leaders: Ann Jett 530; Daniel Williams 108b; Karen Rollins 168; Jackie Tanner 182; Phillip Denney 84; Rodney Ivey 382; Holly Mixon 183; Robert Chambless 225t (in memory of Stanly Edwards and Elder Louis Norton); Earlis McGraw 284; Jack Nelson 548; Daphene Causey 56b; Louis Hughes 448t; Judy Caudle 365; Cecil Roberts 312b; Sarah Jenkins 532; Jesse Roberts 372; Judy Mincey 311; Rene Greene 454; Angela Myers 70b; Sharon DuPriest 155 (for Evelyn Harris). Cecil Roberts returned thanks before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Ricky Harcrow leading 47b. Leaders: Amy Armstrong 299; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 196; David Smead 197; Henry Johnson 88t; Lauren Bock 392; David Brodeur 212; Chrissy Glen 159; Jesse Karlsberg 377; Erin Johnson-Hill 280; Lisa Bennett 172; Fallon Cook 383; Cindy Tanner, Ann Jett, Danny Creel, and Yancey Jett 111b; Phil Summerlin 112; Elizabeth Gentry 347; Faith Riley 72b; Anita Landess 379; Scott DePoy, Jeannette DePoy, and Holly Mixon 99; Reba Windom and Shane Wootten 542; Daniel Williams 26; Ricky Harcrow, Sarah Jenkins, Leah Jenkins, and Gabby Jenkins 335; Michael Thompson and Joyce Walton 543; Louis Hughes 512; Rene Greene, Sharon DuPriest, and David Brodeur 222; Charlene Wallace, Donna Bell, and Earlis McGraw 192; John Plunkett, Karen Rollins, Eric Tweedy, and Ateven Snderson 361; Cecil Roberts, Phillip Denney, Tony Hammock, and Fallon Cook 142; Jackie Tanner, Judy Caudle, and Jack Nelson 73t; Nate Green, Norma Green, B.M. Smith, and Margie Smith 77b; Jesse Karlsberg, Erin Johnson-Hill, Lisa Bennett, and Elizabeth Gentry 100; Henry Johnson, Amy Armstrong, and Lauren Bock 289; Judy Mincey and Jesse Roberts 378b; Angela Myers and Shelby Castillo 216; David Smead and Chrissy Glen 30b; Judy Chambless and Robert Chambless 503.

The Chairman thanked everyone who came to sing, brought lunch, or helped in any way to make the day a success. Announcements were made.

B.M. Smith led 521 as the closing song. Elder Jesse Roberts offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—B.M. Smith; Secretary—Cindy Tanner