Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Independence Day Singing

Lakeview Lodge, Camp Lee, Anniston, Alabama

Monday, July 2, 2012

The annual Independence Day Sacred Harp Singing was held at Lakeview Lodge, Camp Lee, Anniston, Alabama. The class was called to order by Samuel Sommers leading 36b. The opening prayer was offered by Henry Johnson.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Vice Chairman—Samuel Sommers; Secretary—Judy Caudle; Arranging Officer—Pam Nunn.

Leaders: Samuel Sommers 358; Jeff Sheppard 186; Judy Caudle 85; Pam Nunn 155; B.M. Smith 284; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 45t; Paula Oliver 142; Jan Ketelle 445; Alvaro Witt Duarte 131b; Henry Johnson 515; Jason Steidl 235; Bea Carnathan 80b; Katie Campbell 268; Jeannette DePoy 475; Jim Patterson, Sheila Patterson, and Grace Patterson 47t; Jim Aaron 163b; Philippa Stoddard 71; Cecil Roberts 48t.


Aldo Ceresa led 106 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Robert Kelley 385b; Carol Munro Mosley 392; Delone Cobbs 147t; Ellen Lueck 371; Drew Smith 35; Katy Kanfer 491; Tom Stokes 306; Marcus Whitman 564; Judy Chambless 472; Emma Rose Brown 418; Lori Rodgers and Marion Lewis 139; Nathan Berry 333; J.R. Hardman 63; Jubal Schultz 384; Darrell Swarens and Rebecca Over 137; Robert Chambless 317; Donna Sewell 171; Jedidiah Schultz 218; Bethany Towne 560.


The class was brought back to order by Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg leading 65. Leaders: Connor Campbell 217; Carol Selleck 401; Holly Hauck 370; Hannah Land 367; Jairus Schultz 59; Guy Bankes 344; Amy Armstrong 107; Elizabeth Stoddard 141; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 216; Anita Landess 389; Michael Walker 227; Thomas Schultz 143. Holly Hauck offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Jeff Sheppard leading 81t. Leaders: Rene Greene 542; Rebecca Over 328; Eimear O’Donovan 573; Willis McCumber 396; Rachel Rudi and Deidra Montgomery 548; Reba Windom 182; Lorie Wacaster, Katy Wacaster, and Anna Bowen 276; Russ Pope 117; Lauren Bock and Michael Walker 234; Vella Dailey 29t; Ethan Hardy 567; Susan Cherones 209; Stephen Conte 275t; Hannah Land, Rebecca Over, and Eimear O’Donovan 270; Reba Windom, Shelby Castillo, and Blake Sisemore 192; Jim Aaron and Jeannette DePoy 503; Paula Oliver, Alvaro Witt Duarte, and Drew Smith 222; Jan Ketelle, Jason Steidl, and Carol Munro Mosley 304; Aldo Ceresa, Philippa Stoddard, and Robert Kelley 487; Nathan Berry, Emma Rose Brown, and Tom Stokes 42; Ellen Lueck, Katy Kanfer, and Marcus Whitman 277; Bethany Towne, Darrell Swarens, and J.R. Hardman 111b (in memory of Harrison Creel); Ashton Rodgers, Lori Rodgers, Rene Greene, Donna Sewell, Carol Selleck, Marion Lewis, Pam Nunn, and Jeff Sheppard 112; Anita Landess, Elizabeth Stoddard, and Michael Walker 193; the Schultz family 198; Holly Hauck, Connor Campbell, and Amy Armstrong 146; Lauren Bock, Samuel Sommers, and Susan Cherones 434 (for Daphene Causey); Bea Carnathan and Guy Bankes 228; Willis McCumber and Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 189; Robert Chambless, Ethan Hardy, and Deidra Montgomery 375; Jim Patterson, Sheila Patterson, and Grace Patterson 47b; Stephen Conte and Judy Chambless 347; Delone Cobbs, Lorie Wacaster, Katy Wacaster, and Anna Bowen 388; Henry Johnson, Russ Pope, and Vella Dailey 164; Stuart Ivey 67.

Samuel Sommers and Jeff Sheppard led 46 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Jason Steidl, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Vice Chairman—Samuel Sommers; Secretary—Judy Caudle