Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Piccolo Spoleto Singing

Gage Hall, Charleston, South Carolina

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Prior to the singing, Robert Kelley provided an introduction to Sacred Harp singing and its traditions. After a brief recess, Tom Ivey called the class to order leading 48t. Buck Lea offered prayer. Michael Walker welcomed everyone and led 134.

Leaders: Buck Lea 349; Ellen Lea 351; Frank DeBolt 503; Sharon Strong 567; Lynn Halsey and Tom Ivey 146; Terri Jowers and Tom Ivey 457; John Gentry 383; Joyce Heath 212; Aldo Ceresa 52b; Agnes Roberts 143; Judith Parker 168; Nathan Rees 104; Rexanna Lester 142; Ian Quinn 163t; Jane Spencer 171; Nancy Wheeles 81t; John Plunkett 354b.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Michael Walker; Vice Chairman—Tom Ivey; Chaplain—Buck Lea; Secretary—Jane Spencer.


Tom Ivey called the class back to order leading 101t. Leaders: Cleve Callison 276; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 153; Charles Woods 283; Shannon Primm 213t; David Carlton 183; Jonathon Smith 186; Chris Wilhelm 481; Al McCready 452; Leslie Booher 448t; Dorothy Lane 312b; Molly Ellis 282; Judy Mincey 414; Robert Kelley 48b; Aldo Ceresa 522; Buck Lea 549; Tom Ivey 192; Ian Quinn 434; Michael Walker 170; Jane Spencer 564; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 53; John Plunkett 359 (for Dana Borelli); Nathan Rees 285b; Shannon Primm 101b; Robert Kelley 432.


Robert Kelley presented an introduction to Sacred Harp singing and its traditions. Michael Walker brought the class back to order leading 145t. Leaders: Michael Walker, Charlotte Walker, Don Walker, Tina Carnell, and Colin Carnell 45t; Drew York 63; Cleve Callison 198; Molly Ellis 328; Al McCready 155; Jane Spencer 176b; Jonathon Smith 129; Aldo Ceresa 218; Holly Corbitt, Anjelica Burns, and Selitah Burns 178; Judy Mincey and Lilless McPherson Shilling 492; David Carlton 528; Tom Ivey 254; Robert Kelley 37t; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 316; John Plunkett 112; Nathan Rees 440; Ian Quinn 232; Marti Briggs and Judy Mincey 268; Shannon Primm 65; Sharon Strong 240; Leslie Booher 47b; Ellen Lea 371; Michael Walker 456; Kathy Thom 236; Frank DeBolt 569b.


Tom Ivey led 32t to call the class back together. Leaders: Dorothy Lane and Jane Spencer 455; John Gentry 77t; Chris Wilhelm 548; Agnes Roberts 358; Judith Parker 344; Terri Jowers 235; Roxanna Lester 46; Joyce Heath 480; Marti Briggs 117; Molly Ellis 42; Al McCready 323b; Leslie Booher 535; David Carlton 287; Judy Mincey 475; Cleve Callison 299; Kathy Thom 128; Buck Lea 362; Sharon Strong 417; Robert Kelley 106; Aldo Ceresa 430.

Michael Walker and Tom Ivey led 62 as the closing song. Buck Lea closed the session with prayer.

Chairman—Michael Walker; Vice Chairman—Tom Ivey; Secretary—Jane Spencer