Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association
Southside Community Center, Southside, Alabama
November 23-24, 2024
Saturday, November 23
The 123rd meeting of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association convened on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November. The class was called to order by Cassie Allen leading 70t. The opening prayer was offered by Danny Creel. Cassie Allen welcomed the singers and visitors.
Leaders: Cassie Allen 82t; Butch White 34b; Ainslie Allen 498; Jeff James 282; Cindy Tanner 336 (in memory of Kathleen Robbins); Sarah George 436; Pam Nunn 362; David Ivey 562; Tom George 121; Rodney Ivey 129; Hazel Heinze 107; Paul Chamberlain 547; Lori Rodgers 85; Sam Wright 30t; David Smead 385t; Emily Stutzman 451; Alex Forsyth 270; Shawn Taylor 339; Anna Hinton 455.
The class was brought back to order by Cassie Allen leading 100. Leaders: Shane Wootten 394; Jeannette DePoy 67; David Jackson, Wayne East, and Sandra East 45t; Nicholas Thompson 304 (for Lisa Geist).
A business session was held at this time. The following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve the convention: Chairman—Butch White; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Ainslie Allen; Chaplain—Tom George; Arranging Committee—Cindy Tanner and Nicholas Thompson; Finance Committee—Pam Nunn, Robert Chambless, and David Jackson; Resolutions Committee—Blake Sisemore and Reba Windom; Memorial Committee—Judy Caudle and Cassie Allen; Locating Committee—David Ivey and Bridge Kennedy.
Leaders: Butch White 277; Blake Sisemore 380; Zena Tucker 28b; Mary Amelia Taylor 298; Bill DuPre 83b; Daniel Brodeur 140; Shannon Primm and Kent Barton 83t; Abby Huckaby 442; Daniel Lee 302; Everett Ivey 38t; Karen Rollins 448b; Stefani Priskos 340; David Carlton 91; Meredith Ivey 50t; Gabriel Rice 486; Danny Creel 485; Taylor Cook 146; Judy Chambless 472 (for Jack Nelson); Beverly Coates and Linda Thomas 475 (in memory of Cheryl Foreman); Caroline Barron 398; Hayden Arp 75 (in memory of Mary Ruth Stiefel); Rene Greene 183; Bridge Kennedy 440; Nathan Rees 134; Esther Morgan-Ellis 212. Tom George asked a blessing before the meal.
The afternoon session began with Butch White leading 313b. Leaders: Rachael Geary 456; Barrett Patton 273; Judy Caudle 328; Adrian Eldridge 564; Kelsey Ivey 500; Reba Windom 542; Jane Cannon 447; Abigail Cannon 234; Karen Ivey 182; Susan Lee 349; Winfred Kerr 283; Cheyenne Ivey 222; Lisa Bennett 343 (in memory of John Smead); Richard Ivey 311; Elene Stovall and Nicholas Thompson 200 (for David Light); Matt Hinton 203; Linda Thomas 131b; Nicole Scott 208; Stefani Priskos and Hazel Heinze 312b; Emily Stutzman and Barrett Patton 217; Bill DuPre and Jeannette DePoy 30b; Danny Creel and Hayden Arp 269; Kelsey Ivey and Lori Rodgers 162; Gabriel Rice and Paul Chamberlain 532; Jeff James and Mary Amelia Taylor 86; Richard Ivey, Meredith Ivey, and Everett Ivey 46, 88b. Announcements were made.
Butch White and Rodney Ivey led 521 as the closing song. Tom George dismissed the class with prayer.
Sunday, November 24
The Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association met again on Sunday morning at Southside Community Center for another day of singing and fellowship. The class was called to order by Butch White leading 101t. Tom George offered the morning prayer.
Leaders: Rodney Ivey 47t; Ainslie Allen 186; Tom George 461; Nicholas Thompson 316; Judy Caudle 112 (for David Light); Blake Sisemore 188; Reba Windom and Shelby Castillo 192; Robert Chambless 452; Cassie Allen 197; David Ivey 271b; Bridge Kennedy 489; Cindy Tanner 368; Donna Bell 63; Judy Mincey 468; Jonathon Smith 418; Pam Nunn 528; Daniel Williams 372; Cecil Roberts 138b.
Butch White and Rodney Ivey led 68b to bring the class back together. Leaders: Jamey Wootten 391; Garrett Morton 196; Beverly Coates 278t; Jane Cannon 315; Vella Dailey 147t; Samuel Williams 263; Jackie Tanner 208; Emily Eddins 306; Deb Morton and Garrett Morton 299.
The class was brought back together by Rodney Ivey and Abby Huckaby leading 31t. Leaders: Nathan Rees 462; Abby Huckaby 142; Elam Eddins 203.
The memorial lesson was held at this time. Judy Caudle read the words to the song on page 340 “Odem”. She spoke for the sick and shut-ins and read the following list of names aloud: Betty Shepherd, Joyce Walton, Nate Green, Judy Henry, David Light, Mike Geist, Lisa Geist, Julia Poston, Alice McGuire, Darlene Reynolds, Kevin Powell, Leon Ballinger, Mike Hinton, Wanda Capps, Janice Caldwell, Margaret Keeton, Bonnie Baldwin, Syd Caldwell, Parnell Berry, Lucy Heidorn, Don Bowen, John Hollingsworth, Elsie Hollingsworth, Jack Nelson, Ed Thacker, Margaret Thacker, Karlene Williams, and Barry Rollins. Judy led 27.
Cassie Allen read from the Bible in the book of Job. She spoke in memory of the deceased and read the following list of names aloud: Tommie Spurlock, Myrline Redmon, Richard Mauldin, Billy Kelley, Henry Guthery, William Futral, Ozella Blackmon, Earl Ballinger, Joan Wilks, Jack Ivey, Chris Shepherd, Malik Williams, Janet King, Frank T Hill, Jr., and Pearl Guier—Alabama; Elder Bobby Neyman and Esther Mann—Mississippi; Bob Goodman, Beverly Rollins Thompson, Jean Toole, Lucy Garner, and Sue Morgan—Georgia; Mel Kersey—Tennessee; Chloe Webb, John Morris, Esther Huckaby, and Don Huckaby—Texas; P. Dan Brittain and Lloyd Caldwell—Arkansas; Jeff Begley and Susan Fetcho—California; Reed Schilbach—Washington; Curtis Cook—Indiana; Nancy Macklin and Martha Ann Stegar—Virginia; Tom Tucker and Christian Schlegel—Pennsylvania; Scott Swanton—North Carolina; John Smead—Missouri; Mary Grayson—Illinois. Cassie led 512. Tom George closed the memorial service with prayer.
Leaders: Adrian Eldridge 318; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 430; Racheal Geary 319; Winfred Kerr 89; Matt Hinton and Jessie Mabry 324; Daniel Lee 101b; Sarah George 474; Shannon Primm 213t; Hayden Arp 149; Lisa Bennett 417. Tom George asked for a blessing before the noon meal.
Rodney Ivey led 345t to begin the afternoon session. Leaders: Karen Ivey 106; Karen Rollins 327; Esther Morgan Ellis 214; David Smead 225b; Caroline Barron 127; Anna Hinton 419; David Brodeur 377; Allison Davis 441; Alex Forsyth 370; Rene Greene 273; Abigail Cannon 187; Zena Tucker 56b; Shawn Taylor 151; Elene Stovall 422; Cheyenne Ivey 168 (for Alex Makris); Karen Rollins and Nathan Rees 227; Lisa Bennett and David Smead 181; Hayden Arp and Blake Sisemore 434 (in memory of Daphene Causey and Flora Skinner); Jane Cannon and Shannon Primm 475; Judy Mincey and Esther Morgan-Ellis 448t; David Brodeur and Cecil Roberts 312b; David Ivey and Jessie Mabry 159; Adrian Eldridge and Cassie Allen 345b; Alex Forsyth and Racheal Geary 426t; Matt Hinton and Anna Hinton 138t; Judy Caudle and Reba Windom 216 (for Betty Shepherd); Pam Nunn and Rene Greene 436; Tom George, James George, and Sarah George 411; Caroline Barron and Daniel Lee 32b; Donna Bell and Elene Stovall 225t; Karen Ivey and Abigail Cannon 99; Nicholas Thompson and Cheyenne Ivey 384 (in memory of Coy Ivey); Winfred Kerr and Shawn Taylor 37b; Daniel Williams and Samuel Williams 53; Jamey Wootten and Garrett Morton 48t; Bridge Kennedy and Deb Morton 276 (for Margaret Keeton).
A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports from the various committees. Cindy Tanner reported for the Arranging Committee and Secretary that singers from nine states had sung one hundred sixty-three songs over the two days. Pam Nunn gave the financial report and stated that expenses were met. The Resolutions report was given by Blake Sisemore as follows: We, the Resolutions Committee for the 123rd session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association would first like to thank God for granting the privilege of gathering to sing praises; we thank the officers and committee members for working and organizing the convention and keeping things running smoothly; we thank Pam Nunn and Matt Hinton for arranging the catered food, and also thank anyone who brought food or helped in anyway with dinner; we thank our visitors for traveling to join us this weekend; we thank the generations of singers who came before us and worked continuously to keep this amazing tradition alive. We resolve to convene again on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November, 2025. The Locating Committee recommended that the Association return to Southside Community Center for the next meeting. The reports were approved and accepted by unanimous vote. The business meeting was adjourned. Announcements were made.
Butch White and Rodney Ivey led 62 as the closing song, and those who wished took the parting hand. Tom George offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Butch White; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Ainslie Allen