Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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All-Wisconsin Sacred Harp Singing
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Saturday, November 9, 2024
The All-Wisconsin Sacred Harp Singing was held at the Milwaukee Friends Meetinghouse, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Saturday before the second Sunday in November. The class was called to order by Scott Stieg leading 49t, following a brief singing school taught by Carol Crawford. Myles Alexander offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: Peter Bradley 276; Nancy Parsons 496; Jim Crawford 59; Lori Graber 327; Steve Schmidgall 333; Ginny Landgraf 547; Jim Helke 271t; Ben Bedroske 163b; Eleanor Haase 352; Erik Schwab 228; Eileen Ferguson 504; Sam Tiratto 48t; Shana Wenger 448t; Scott Stieg 89; Myles Alexander 163t; Nancy Parsons 112; John Schley 503.
Erik Schwab brought the class back together by leading 32t. Scott Stieg opened the business meeting where Carol Crawford was elected chairman. Leaders: Sarah McRoberts 39t; Matt Wells 348t; Brady Santoro 426t; Mark Bowman 344; Francis Gurtz 186; Randy Neufeld 236; James Page “Burren” (new composition); Lori Graber 464; Ben Bedroske 149; Jim Crawford 472; Lisa Grayson 419; Peter Bradley 444; Steven Schmidgall 473; Judy Hauff 528; Ginny Landgraf 95. Myles Alexander said a blessing for lunch.
Carol Crawford called the afternoon session to order leading 52t. Leaders: Shana Wenger 47b; James Page 272; Brady Santoro 242; Randy Neufeld 29t; John Schley 569t; Matt Wells 500; Myles Alexander 328; Eileen Ferguson 501; Erik Schwab 486; Eleanor Haase 384.
The memorial lesson was conducted by Carol Crawford. Carol led two songs requested by Johanna Fabke. The sick and shut-ins names were Johanna Fabke, Janet Fraembs, Terry Hogg, Marcia Johnson, Ted Johnson, Mary Owen, and Gary Gronau. Carol led 84.
Carol Crawford led 122 in memory of the following deceased: Lori Crawford, Robert Crawford, Jonathan Brosstoff—Wisconsin; Ken Porter—Pennsylvania; Sumara El-Hadid and Ted Lewis—Minnesota; Susan Fetcho and Jeff Begley—California; Reed Schilbach—Washington; Frank Fraembs, Jeff Glenn, Tom DeFries—Illinois; Cousin Suzy—Texas; Mary Kragness—Ohio; Christian Camlin and Becky Browne—Missouri; Maxwell Shillander—South Dakota. Myles Alexander closed the memorial lesson with prayer.
Leaders: Jim Helke 390; Francis Gurtz 340; Mark Bowman 454; Judy Hauff 411; Judy Hauff, Kian Maslanka, and Elias Goschy 146; Scott Stieg 455; Paul Wyatt 189.
Carol Crawford called the class to order leading 490. Leaders: Sam Tiratto 179; Lisa Grayson 457; Nancy Parsons 142; Lori Graber 143; Peter Bradley 300; Ben Bedroske 254; John Schley 178; Matt Wells 368; Jim Page 505; Ginny Landgraf 56t; Brady Santoro 567; Randy Neufeld 485; Steve Schmidgall 156; Shana Wenger 312b; Jim Crawford 365; Myles Alexander 538; Eileen Ferguson 479; Erik Schwab 512; Eleanor Haase 492.
Following thanks and announcements, Carol Crawford led 347 as the closing song, while those who wished took the parting hand. Myles Alexander dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairperson—Carol Crawford; Secretaries—Carol Crawford and Peter Stieg