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The United Sacred Harp Musical Association

Poplar Springs Primitive Baptist Church, Bowden, Georgia

September 7-8, 2024

Saturday, September 7

The 119th session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association was held on the second Sunday and Saturday before in September. The class was called to order by Jamey Wootten leading 82t. Shane Brown offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Jamey Wootten 48t; Blake Sisemore 89; Pam Nunn 110; Shane Brown 49t; Nathan Rees 121; Judy Caudle 336; Reba Windom 186; Samuel Williams 160t; Denney Rogers 143; Jeannette DePoy 111b; Robert Chambless 39b; Bill DuPre and Andrew DuPre 37b; Bert Collins 35; Abigail Cannon 129; Cheyenne Ivey 222; Phillip Langley 475.


The class was brought back to order by Jamey Wootten leading 76b. A business session was held for the election of officers, who then appointed committee members; Chairman—Blake Sisemore; Vice Chairman—David Ivey; Secretary—Pam Nunn; Chaplain—Shane Brown; Arranging Committee—Cindy Tanner and Abigail Cannon; Memorial Committee—Judy Caudle and Bill DuPre; Finance Committee—Bert Collins and Samuel Williams; Resolutions Committee—Nathan Rees and Jeannette DePoy; Location Committee—Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Karen Rollins, and Matt Hinton.

Leaders: Blake Sisemore 99; Laura Frey 178; Daniel Williams 457; Glenda Collins 290; Matt Hinton 297; Elene Stovall 283; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 425; Kathy Williams 472; Judy Chambless 454; Erica Hinton 139; Nicholas Thompson 204 (in memory of J.L. and Glenda Hopper); Winfred Kerr 36b; Cassie Allen 205.


David Ivey led 154 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Sheri Taylor and Jamey Wootten 218; Mamie Sisemore 59; Karen Rollins 171; Rodney Ivey 382; Karen Ivey 203; Cindy Tanner 498; Shane Brown 383; Judy Caudle 386 (for Sam Sommers and Beth Hall); Samuel Williams 399b; Nathan Rees 439; Bert Collins 300; Jamey Wootten 213b; Robert Chambless 34b; Reba Windom 299 (for Chris Shepherd, Betty Shepherd, and Joyce Walton); Jeannette DePoy 280; Bill DuPre, Andrew DuPre, and George Corbin 29t; Abigail Cannon 187; Phillip Langley 302; Laura Frey 358. A prayer was offered by Shane Brown.


The afternoon session began with Blake Sisemore leading 373. Leaders: Erica Hinton 432; Denney Rogers and Karen Rollins 389; Karen Ivey and Rebecca Myers 108t; Winfred Kerr 225t; Glenda Collins 566; Judy Chambless 318; Sheri Taylor 380; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 470; Cheyenne Ivey 430; Pam Nunn, Blake Sisemore, and David Ivey 556 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Kathy Williams 276; Nicholas Thompson 436 (for David Light); Elene Stovall 215; Matt Hinton and Hastings Phillips 217; Rodney Ivey and Abigail Cannon 328; Cassie Allen 104; Mamie Sisemore 318; Daniel Williams 448t; David Ivey 116; Cindy Tanner and Sharon DuPriest 269.

Blake Sisemore and David Ivey led 323t as the closing song. The closing prayer was given by Bill DuPre.

Sunday, September 8

The Sunday session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association singing was called to order by Blake Sisemore leading 31b. Cecil Roberts offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Blake Sisemore 31t; David Ivey 60; Pam Nunn 120; Shane Brown 228; Abigail Cannon 75; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 83b; Karen Rollins 501; Matt Hinton 503; Samuel Williams 446; Judy Caudle 76t; Nathan Rees 414; Jeannette DePoy 67; Cindy Tanner 512; Bridge Kennedy 32b; Lela Crowder 317; Robert Chambless 569b.


The class was brought back together by Blake Sisemore leading 101t. Leaders: Prisca Rice 32t; Lauren Bock 155; Mamie Sisemore, Meredith Ivey, and Lucey Karlsberg 45t, 401; Everette Ivey 203; Anna Hinton 455; Terry Wootten 65; Richard Ivey 396; Cecil Roberts 312b; Lisa Bennett 332; Kelsey Ivey 42; Jared Wootten 426t; John Plunkett 79; David Smead 217; Lisa Webb 361.


Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg brought the class to order leading 111t. Leaders: Nicholas Thompson 216; Kathy Williams 506.

The memorial lesson was then held. Judy Caudle read the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins: David Light, Betty Shepherd, Chris Shepherd, Ed Thacker, Margaret Thacker, Darlene Reynolds, Margaret Keeton, Marlin Beasley, Wanda Capps, Judy Henry, Samuel Sommers, Beth Hall, Joyce Walton, Norma Dickerson, and Lucy Heidorn. Judy read the lyrics of “Alexander” (page 393). Judy followed by leading 134.

Bill DuPre led the memorial lesson, pointing out that we all have singing in common. The songs allow us to talk about the deceased and keep them alive in our hearts. Bill read the following list of names of the deceased: Myrlene Redmon, Ozella Blackmon, Earl Ballinger, Henry Guthery, Richard Mauldin, Geraldine Sharpton, Tommie Spurlock, Pearl Guier, Frank Hill, Jack Ivey, and William Futral—Alabama; Charlotte Ehrman—New York; Esther Mann—Mississippi; Lloyd Caldwell and Dan Brittain—Arkansas; Beverly Thompson and Jean Toole—Georgia; Cora Beasley Jones—Tennessee; Bill Eidson—Texas; Tom Tucker—Pennsylvania; Jeff Begley—California. Bill then led 285t, and closed the service with prayer.

Leaders: Karen Ivey 532; Reba Windom 142; Sheri Taylor 528; Judy Chambless 63; Jerusha Wheeler 200; Rodney Ivey 492; Cassie Allen 419. A prayer was offered by Daniel Williams before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Blake Sisemore leading 411. Leaders: Elene Stovall, Judy Caudle, and Nicholas Thompson 189 (in memory of Joan Aldridge); Winfred Kerr 549; Jamey Wootten 284; Laura Frey and Lisa Webb 371; Daniel Williams 162; Cheyenne Ivey and Reba Windom 30b; Blake Sisemore and Pam Nunn 507; David Ivey and Karen Ivey 209; Shane Brown 294; Matt Hinton and Anna Hinton 182; Bill DuPre and Nathan Rees 444; Abigail Cannon 500; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg and Lauren Bock 234; Karen Rollins, Bridge Kennedy, and Judy Caudle 365; Samuel Williams and Jeannette DePoy 183; Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless 551 (in memory of William Futral); Richard Ivey, Kelsey Ivey, and Meredith Ivey 429; Lisa Bennett and David Smead 431; Elene Stovall and Kathy Williams 273; Jared Wootten, Jamey Wootten, and Terry Wootten 448t; Cheyenne Ivey and Nicholas Thompson 384; Lela Crowder and Cecil Roberts 30t; Sheri Taylor, Laura Frey, and Lisa Webb 269; Daniel Williams and Winfred Kerr 517; Sharon DuPriest and Reba Windom 137; John Plunkett and Prisca Rice 430; Cassie Allen and Rodney Ivey 240; Jerusha Wheeler 277; Cindy Tanner and Shane Brown 546.

The business session was reconvened to hear the reports of the various committees. Pam Nunn gave the secretary and financial reports. The Resolutions Committee, Nathan Rees and Jeannette DePoy, thanked the church for allowing us to use their facility. They also expressed appreciation to all of those who brought food or helped with all the necessary tasks at a convention. Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Karen Rollins, and Matt Hinton, the Location Committee, recommended that the 2025 session of the United Convention be held at the historic DeKalb Courthouse, Decatur, Georgia. All reports and recommendations were accepted by the members. The business session was closed. Announcements were made.

Blake Sisemore led 62 as the closing song. Shane Brown dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Blake Sisemore; Vice Chairman—David Ivey; Secretary—Pam Nunn