Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Montreal Singing

Kensington Church, Notre-Dame-De-Grâce, Montréal, Québec

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The 6th session of the Montreal All-Day singing was called to order by Indigo Micciche and Philippe Doyle-Gosselin leading 99. Sunny Doyle offered the morning prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Philippe Doyle-Gosselin; Co-chairman—Indigo Micciche; Secretary—Molly-Claire Gillett; Arranging Committee—Esther Wade; Finance Committee—Lari Jalbert. All songs were from the 1991 edition of The Sacred Harp.

Leaders: Lari Jalbert 114; Sunny Doyle 34t; Jamie

Ross 142; Mishi Briand 172; Molly-Claire Gillett 371; Hugh Thomas 474; Esther Wade 171; Kit Walsh 89; Laurence Vézina and Em Ekelund 218; Ariane Roberge 290; Anabel Gravel Chabot 90; Annie-Lou Chester 479; Anya Skibbie 475; Nicole Collins 182; Rachel Rudy 548.


Kerry Cullinan called the class back to order leading 70t. Leaders: Philou Fortier 50b; Margaret Youngberg 280; névé dumas 406; David Rosenberg 189; Crispin Youngberg 53; Erica Martinez 504; Alec Collins 72b; Matthew Léger-Small 328; Robert Stoddard 373; Nathalie Leonard 178; David Brodeur 329; Michaela Natal 477; Lari Jalbert 319; Elizabeth Stoddard 57; Ben Sachs-Hamilton 428; Marie Brandis 168; Andy Ditzler 423; Judy Contampassis and Henry Kellogg 146; Sage Chase Dempsey 196; Evan Landon 38b; Robin Luckwaldt 445.


Em Ekelund welcomed the class back leading 163t. Leaders: Rachel Farber 214; Chloe Martin and Indigo Micciche 59; Linda Shea 430; Edouard Beaudry and Mishi Briand 304; Leah Velleman 122; Susan Smiley 87; Patrick Friesen 227; Jean Rosenberg 254; Lael Birch 361; Jamie Ross 30b; Hannah Kaya and Ariane Roberge 472; Kerry Cullinan 91; névé dumas 76t; Alec Collins 384; David Rosenberg 268; Philou Fortier 503; Erica Martinez 448t; Klara Longfellow 274t.


The afternoon session began with Anabel Gravel Chabot leading 275t. Leaders: Andy Ditzler 228; Em Ekelund 165; Robert Stoddard 456; Margaret Youngberg 212; Anya Skibbie 573; David Brodeur 528; Michaela Natal 480; Elizabeth Stoddard 454; Sunny Doyle 385b; Crispin Youngberg 220; Marie Brandis 216; Ben Sachs-Hamilton 532; Anne Evers 26; Matthew Léger-Small 360; Lari Jalbert 551; Leah Velleman 300; Tom Evers 74b; Linda Shea 429; Meredith Brown 335; Rachel Farber 375; Lael Birch 455; Nathan Ferguson 175.


Philippe Doyle-Gosselin brought the class together by leading 176t. Leaders: Edouard Beaudry 444; Nichole Collins 36b; Stuart Jackson 207; Rachel Rudy 336; Natalie Leonard 417; Sage Chase-Dempsey 183; Jean Rosenberg 546; Patrick Friesen 30t; Evan Landon 535; Judy Contompasis and Henry Kellogg 95; Hugh Thomas and Annie-Lou Chester 327; Meredith Brown and Molly-Claire Gillett 39t; Tom Evers and Anne Evers 547; Esther Wade, Philippe Doyle-Gosselin, and Maeve Wade-Gosselin 436; Robin Luckwaldt, Jamie Ross, David Ross, and Heather Ross 383.

The treasurer thanked the class for their generosity as the expenses have been met. The secretary reported that fifty-four leaders for a total of seventy-seven registered singers from three provinces and nine states sang ninety-six songs. Meredith Browne as resolutions committee thanked the officers and committees and resolved to meet at Kensington Church in Montréal on Saturday before the second Sunday in July 2025.

Indigo Micciche and Philippe Doyle-Gosselin led 62 as the closing song. Sunny Doyle offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Philippe Doyle-Gosselin; Co-chairperson—Indigo Micciche; Secretary—Molly Claire Gillett