Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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June Singing

Alpharetta Municipal Building, Alpharetta, Georgia

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The 156th annual session of the June Singing was held on the second Sunday in June at the Alpharetta Municipal Building. Faye Holbrook called the class to order leading 49t and 452. Faye Holbrook offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Helen Bryson 312t, 112; John Plunkett 343, 354t; Lisa Bennett 90, 52t; Debora Grosse 171, 189; Lily Hammond 163b, 547; Erin Wagner 159, 457; Cooper Sandefur 498, 168; Tony Hammock 430 (for his uncle), 274t; David Smead 406, 468.


Bill DuPre called class to order leading 426t and 440. Leaders: Shawn Taylor 50b, 382; David Brodeur 312b, 316. A short business session was held. The following were elected to serve: Chairman—Faye Holbrook; Vice Chairman—Mike Castleberry; Secretary—David Smead (to begin in 2025).

Leaders: Faye Holbrook 67, 111b; Helen Bryson 102, 176t; John Plunkett 467, 471; Lisa Bennett 400, 401; Debora Grosse 99, 101t; Lily Hammond 107, 472. Bill DuPre offered the lunch blessing.


Helen Bryson called the class to order leading 34b. Leaders: Cooper Sandefur 41, 49b; Tony Hammock 30b, 37b; David Smead 39t, 245; Bill DuPre 42, 300; Shawn Taylor 273, 373; David Brodeur 173, 348t; Faye Holbrook 290, 482.

Helen Bryson led 347 as the memorial lesson remembering all those from North Fulton County who have supported the singing through the years and a reminder that as a singer you are part of a wonderful extended family.

Leaders: Laura Patterson and Debora Grosse 63; Lily Hammond 454; Lisa Bennett 455; Erin Wagner 114; Cooper Sandefur 38t; Tony Hammock 494; David Smead 215; Bill DuPre 142; Shawn Taylor 272; David Brodeur 368; Laura Patterson 392. Announcements were made.

Faye Holbrook led 62 as closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Bill DuPre.

Chairman—Faye Holbrook; Vice Chairman—Mike Castleberry; Secretary—Helen Bryson