Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Liberty Decoration Day Singing
Liberty Baptist Church, Henagar, Alabama
Sunday, June 2, 2024
The annual Liberty Decoration Day Sacred Harp Singing was held on the first Sunday in June. The class was called to order by Scott Ivey leading 82t. Jared Wootten offered the opening prayer. Scott welcomed the class and then led 345b.
Leaders: Shane Wootten 74b (in memory of Eulas Ivey); Nicholas Thompson 80b (in memory of Earl Ballinger); Blake Sisemore 138b; Emmaleigh Calhoun 335; Daniel Lee 106; Lori Graber 379; Bill DuPree 107; Lisa Bennett 513; Wayne Wootten 37b; Abby Huckaby 430; Jerry Turlington 137; Lela Crowder 157; Jamey Wootten 147t; Abigail Cannon 340; Loyd Ivey 97; Susan Lee 349; David Smead 275t; Cheyenne Ivey 222; Silas Huckaby 176b; Prisca Rice 89; David Ivey 53; Linda Sides 448t; Jared Wootten 56b; Sarah Huckaby 326; David Carlton 440; Meredith Ivey and Kelsey Ivey 278t. The class gathered in the cemetery to sing in memory of the deceased. Scott Ivey led 571 (CB), 572 (CB), and 518 (CB).
The class was called to order by Scott Ivey and Rodney Ivey leading 39b. Leaders: Matt Hinton 138t; Judy Caudle 328; Mark Carroll 283; Jessia Belaire 330t; Richard Ivey 396; Sarah George 216 (for Betty Shepherd); Jonathon Smith 129; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 411 (in memory of the Lacy Family); Barrett Patton and Bailey Patton 144 (in memory of Paul and Bob Greeson); Lisa Geist 273; David Killingsworth and Brenda Armstrong 277; Anna Hinton 203; Hayden Wootten, Brooke Wootten, and Parker Wootten 441; Rachel Geary 112; Tom George and Dennis George 460; Erica Hinton 228; Alex Forsyth 227; Linda Thomas 39t (in memory of Fred Battles); Winfred Kerr 500; Larry Ballinger 217 (in memory of Earl Ballinger); Nathan Rees and Meredith Ivey 142; Charles McCravy 428; Reba Windom 30b. Dennis George offered the blessing on the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Scott Ivey leading 270. Leaders: Garrett Morton 76b; Ainslie Allen 498; Marty Wootten 99; Cassie Allen and Rodney Ivey 234; Phil Summerlin 68b; Jayden Hunt and Prisca Rice 269; Karen Ivey 532; Deborah Morton, Garrett Morton, and Lacy Collier 477; Meredith Ivey and Dixie Carter 425; Kelsie Ivey and Everett Ivey 153; Cassie Allen and Cindy Tanner 208; Charles Steifel and Joyce Morton 47b; Lacy Collier, Angie Collier, Deborah Morton, and Garrett Morton 299; Micheal Adams and Sybil Adams 445; Shane Brown and Jamey Wootten 300; Tony Ivey and Sandy Ivey 313t; Jackie Tanner 73t; Anna Oliver 426b; Shane Wootten 484 (CB) (in memory and honor of those that have served our country), 478 (CB); Loyd Ivey and Family %01 (CB), 511 (CB); Annie Grace Wootten 354b; Rodney Ivey and Cheyenne Ivey 465 (CB) (in memory of Coy Ivey). Announcements were made.
Scott Ivey, Shane Wootten, and Micheal Adams led 47t as the closing song. Micheal Adams offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Scott Ivey; Secretary—Nicholas Thompson