Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Rocky Mount Homecoming Singing
Daviston, Alabama
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The annual Rocky Mount Homecoming Sacred Harp singing was held on the third Sunday in May. The class was called to order by Charlotte Bishop leading 101t, 35 and 145t. Elder Jonathan Blakeley offered the opening prayer.
In a business meeting, a motion was made to keep the same officers as follows: Chairman—Charlotte Bishop; Secretary—Isabelle Green; Arranging—Jordan McGuire. The motion carried and the business meeting was closed.
Leaders: Charlotte Bishop 145b; Audrey Blakeley 109, 59; Ted Price 406, 61; J.T. Blakeley 81t, 335.
Leaders: Isabelle Green 565, 146; Jonathan Blakeley 31t, 285t; Justin Whitehead 34t, 288; Lacey Blakeley 76b, 77t; Jordan McGuire 39b, 354b; Lynda Fagan 36b, 68b.
Charlotte Bishop called the class back to order by leading 72b, 143, and 268 (in memory of Sheila Shivers). Leaders: Douglas Hubbard 159, 47b; Lynda Fagan 560; Jordan McGuire 290; Isabelle Green 100; Justin Whitehead 30b; Douglas Hubbard 77b; Ted Price 108b; Charlotte Bishop 229 (CB).
Ted Price requested that the class sing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ as the closing song. He then dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairman—Charlotte Bishop; Secretary—Isabelle Green