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Rust Memorial Singing

Fairview United Methodist Church, Bloomington, Indiana

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Singers gathered for the annual Rust Memorial Singing. The class was called to order by Shannon Tibbs leading 47t, followed by the opening prayer. Leaders: Aaron Jones 276; Adrian Eldridge 277; Beth Garfinkle 344; Ray Rechenberg 203; Thomas Koehnline 285t; Sarah Gershon 270; Samantha Foster 55; Thomas Smith 228; Tim Gregg 3b (ShH); Carolyn Craig 195; Enoch Hollanbech 312b; Shannon Tibbs 40; Alice Bean 235; Karen Arnett 504; Carol Ann Munro 392; Tim Morton 434.


The class was called together by Adrian Eldridge leading 111b. Leaders: Curtis Cook 313b; Rich Overturf 373; Lori Graber 314; Ray Rechenberg 99; Tim Gregg 124 (ShH); Aaron Jones 245; Adrian Eldridge 499; Thomas Smith 89t (ShH); Beth Garfinkle 140b (ShH); Alice Bean 496; Carolyn Craig 287; Karen Arnett 198; Samantha Foster 178; Thomas Koehnline 338.


Leaders: Sarah Gershon 63; Carol Ann Munro 475; Shannon Tibbs 47t; Kevin Jones 452; Tim Morton 260t (ShH); Lori Graber 37b; Shannon Tibbs 163b; Enoch Hollanbeck 280 (ShH); Rich Overturf 100; Sarah Gershon 27 (ShH).


Thomas Smith called the class together by leading 155. Leaders: Ray Rechenberg 148; Curtis Cook 426b; Adrian Eldridge 260b (ShH); Aaron Jones 192; Alice Bean 334; Thomas Smith 116; Karen Arnett 264b (ShH); Beth Garfinkle 266 (ShH); Carol Ann Munro 242 (ShH); Tim Morton 156 (ShH). Aaron Jones gave the treasurer report and led When Jesus Wept (ShH).

Shannon Tibbs led the memorial lesson and read the words from the song Poland and the deceased and sick and shut-ins lists.


Leaders: Shannon Tibbs 65; Lori Graber 168; Rich Overturf 209; Kevin Jones 282; Samantha Foster 93; Carolyn Craig 68b; Thomas Koehnline 457; Sarah Gershon 106; Enoch Hollanbeck 138 (ShH).

Following announcements, Shannon Tibbs led 62 as the class took the parting hand.

Chairperson—Shannon Tibbs; Secretaries—Carolyn Craig and Shannon Tibbs