Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Tony Barrand and Larry Gordon Memorial Singing

Guilford Community Park Pavilion, Guilford, Vermont

Saturday, September 23, 2023

A memorial singing for Tony Barrand and Larry Gordon was held at the Guilford Community Park Pavilion in Guilford, Vermont. Song selections were from the Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and from both red and black editions of the Northern Harmony (NH), which Tony and Larry both edited.

Peter Amidon called the class to order leading 47t and 209. Leaders: Matthew Wojcik 31t; Marlborough (NH); Colleen Hayes 131t, 480; George Sigut 448t; All is Well (NH); Jenny Wright 183; Harvest Hymn (NH); Nathan Bean 146; Amelia (NH); Mary Alice Amidon Pleasant Valley (NH), 47b; Barbara Swetman The Apple Tree (NH), Ten Thousand Charms (NH); Rick Johnston 49t; Millbrook (NH).


Leaders: Laura Timmerman 318; Closing Year (NH); Margaret Graver 34b; Lincoln Street (NH); Fay Baird 186, 147t; Jeremy Galvagni 74b, 299; Tammy Heinsohn 155, 178; Carole Crompton Montgomery (NH); Larry Bingham 50t, 193; Peter Irvine 569b; Bridgewater (NH).

The memorial lesson was held at this time. Carole Crompton read the names on list of the sick and shut-ins: Cindy Bean, Dan Hertzler, Kim Warner, Ruth Creamer and those on the deceased list: Pete Sutherland, Althea McBean, Jane Southworth—Vermont; Jeanne Rees—Massachusetts; Janet Linner Townshend—New Jersey. Peter Amidon then spoke in remembrance of Larry Gordon and Tony Barrand, closing the lesson leading 288.

Leaders: Nathan Bean 163b; Matthew Wojcik Life’s Purpose (NH). Mary Alice Amidon led 347, and gave the grace before lunch.


Leaders: Peter Amidon 168; Jeremy Galvagni 29t; Barbara Swetman Rainbow (NH); Colleen Hayes Pennsylvania (NH); Stefan Amidon 474; Margaret Graver 400; George Sigut Evening Hymn (NH); Jenny Wright 504; Katherine Breunig and Peter Amidon 267; Tammy Heinsohn Poland (NH); Matthew Wojcik Do Not Go Gentle (NH); Larry Bingham 122; Laura Timmerman 448b; Cindy Tolman Renewal (NH); Peter Amidon 48t. Announcements were made. Leaders: Rick Johnston 177; Fay Baird 361; Carole Cromton and Mary Alice Amidon 208; Rosie Wojcik 95; Stefan Amidon 290; Peter Amidon 77t, 62. Mary Alice Amidon offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-Chairpersons—Peter Amidon, Mary Alice Amidon, Stefan Amidon, and Carole Crompton; Arranging—Matthew Wojcik; Secretary—Rosie Wojcik